
Name: Morrigan Nakamura

Age: 16

Gender: Female

A bit about her: Morrigan is shy, and kind hearted but also a cheerful jokester who loves puns. She is very affectionate she loves hugs and cuddles but has depression is prone to falling into deep self loathing and depressive episodes. At her lowest points she self harms by cutting herself on the places people can’t see or she can hide. Morrigan is emotionally sensitive and feels her emotions stronger than most people. She is a graffiti artist and she loves to listen to music and play video games she also does parkour.

She is half Irish on her mother’s side and half Japanese on her father’s side. Morrigan is multi lingual and is able to speak Japanese and English.
Her parents are working overseas and have left her to mostly look after herself they do however send her money to pay the bills and buy food and clothing. When overly upset she tends to slip into speaking a mix of English and Japanese.

She is shorter than an average American teen being four feet eight inches. She is also extremely swift and flexible which she uses to her advantage in combat. She uses kunais, shurikens and Bo-Shurikens and a Tanto that her Obaasan gifted her as her weapons.

Due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time an alley right next to a rooftop fight over mutagen Morrigan ended up mutated. Morrigan has a unique mutation she didn’t touch anything before and the Batch of mutagen that mutated her was experimental and used the DNA of a species from different world.

She ended up with eerie cat like eyes that can see better than a human’s eyes do, sharper canine teeth, retractable claw like fingernails and slightly pointy elf like ears with better hearing than humans. Morrigan sometimes gets over stimulated by sights and sounds and she will need a calm dimly lit and quiet place to rest.