
1 year, 5 months ago


General Info
Name: Cyrus

Dust Fay’s Name: Puff

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Outgoing | Thoughtful | Caring

Created by: SkyHighRandom

Obtained: Won during the December Advent Calender Raffles- 

Father: N/A

Mother: N/A

Mate: Eve

Additional Info

Cyrus never had a problem making friends. Ever since he was a young fawn, he’s been extremely outgoing, and always loved meeting new and exciting faces. He loves his companion Puff dearly, and is very protective over him, as well as any other of his loved ones.

Cyrus met Eve one stormy December day. He and Puff had been traveling through a blizzard. He would always travel with Cyrus inside his sweater when the winds were bad, but the storm got so bad that Puff got dislodged and carried off by the wind. Puff was lucky enough that Eve’s pet, Froth, found him in the cold, looking for Cyrus. Froth quickly brought Puff back to Eve for help. Eve and Froth determined to help him find Cyrus. Because he had blown far, it was almost nightfall by the time the pair were finally reunited. Cyrus was extremely thankful to have his friend back, and when he turned to see who had helped his friend return, it was nearly love at first sight. The winds were beginning to pick up again, and the four ended up finding a small cave and taking shelter until the day came, keeping each other warm and telling stories as the sky slowly brightened. By the end of that night, Cyrus was smitten, and he and Puff have been at Eve and Froth’s side ever since.