


1 year, 6 months ago


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Hazy Light

A Fatui traitor who really didn't mean to commit any betrayal. Li-Jie joined up in order to get free travel to Liyue where his sister lived, so they could fulfill their childhood dreams of being adventurers.

He deserted his post almost immediately, and was swiftly captured for his desertion.

Name Li-Jie

Age ???

Gender Male

Birthday March 31st

Weapon Polearm

Vision Hydro

Constellation Procella Confido

Nation Snezhnaya

Affiliation Fatui (Formerly)

Occupation In Fatui Jail

Special Dish Tianshu Meat and Octopus

Local Specialty Starconch

Li-Jie really doesn't mean any harm, he's just not the best at thinking things through. He has a very single-minded mentality and many things go over his head. The main reason for this is because he's a bit of a daydreamer, usually lost in thought and oblivious to the events happening around him. Despite this, he can get work done when he puts the effort in, having surprising combat prowess thanks to his time as a member of the Fatui.

Li-Jie spent his early years in Liyue, running around Liyue Harbor with his older sister, Freya. They would explore every alley and corner of the town, dreaming about adventuring past its borders when they were grown. Sadly, these carefree days would come to an end when their parents divorced and Li-Jie went with their mother to her homeland of Snezhnaya. He hated it there. The cold made it unfun to go exploring, and his sister was nations away. He decided shortly after the move that he would do whatever it took to get back to Liyue so they could pursue their childhood dreams once more.

His chance to return came from an unexpected place, the infamous Fatui. They were looking for new recruits willing to travel to Liyue for a mission, and they were advertising pretty hard since few wanted to travel such a far distance, but it was the perfect opportunity for Li-Jie. He enlisted immediately, proceeding through training as fast as he could. His quick growth gave his superiors the opinion that he was a promising young member, but he would betray their expectations when he deserted his post almost immediately after arriving in Liyue.

Li-Jie showed up on Freya's door so quickly, he was still wearing his Fatui uniform. The two, overjoyed to be reunited, quickly set out on the adventures they always dreamed of. Sadly, Li-Jie underestimated the Fatui's fury over his desertion. They didn't even reach Mondstadt before they captured him for his betrayal.

Elemental Skill Revitalizing Wave

Creates a slash of hydro energy that heals the HP of all allies upon its hit. Healing amount is based on Li-Jie's ATK stat.

Elemental Burst Encompassing Deep

Li-Jie plunges his polearm into the ground, creating a field of the deep that deals continuous hydro damage to enemies within its AoE and grant allies a boost to their ATK based on Li-Jie's own ATK stat.

Utility Passive Food for the Heart

When Li-Jie cooks an ATK-boosting dish perfectly, she has a 12% chance to receive double the product.


"Big sister... please save me, its far too cold in Snezhnaya, and the food is terrible. I promise to repay you someday."





Why does everything

I do seem to go wrong?