Olivia Drenlyss



1 year, 5 months ago


olivia drenlyss

19189039?1670622090 HP 20%
Attack 5%
Defense 20%
Speed 65%
Dexterity 45%
Intellect 90%
Charisma 15%
Freedom 100%


NAME Olivia
Pronounciation Oh-Li-Vee-Ah
Age 18
Gender Female
Origin Holy Village
Race Fallen Aasamir
Class Wild Mage
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Height 5'1"
Build Small and Tiny
Demeanor Volatile
Theme Backlight
Profession None
HTML Pinky

"I-I don't know a-about this.. Maybe we should just l-leave guys.."

  • Sweets
  • Being Alone
  • Learning of Magic
  • Her Diary
  • Nobles
  • Her Slave Mark
  • Loud Noises
  • Shackles and Chains


Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Dishonest Sincere
Serious Trivial
Cautious Risky


Knowledge of various spells and magic workings

Strong but wild magic

Sneaky and small, easy to get around

Extremely cautious and wary


Constantly Scared

Uncontrollable Magic

Scared of taking risks

First to run when something goes bad

Skills & Abilities

Aasamir State
Being a Fallen aasamir, Olivia is an Aasamir who failed to reach the "Noble Destiny" planned for her on birth and became Fallen. During moments of intense stress she lets out an ear-deafening shriek and sprouts bone-like wings while darkness pours out from her eyes.

Wild Magic
Olivia has access to wild magic. While not by choice she has great doubt in her magic casting abilities although she is a natural prodigy her 10 years serving under a slave owner has made her doubt herself, this causes her magic to explode uncontrollably very often.

Tides of Chaos
Due to Olivias intense ties to wild magic she can occasionally channel this destructive power to change the outcome of a spell, perhaps she would miss an ice ray but can will it to change angle on a dime and result in a hit.

Spell Casting
Olivia learned spell casting off watching her old slave owner perform spells and through reading various books when he wasn't home, slacking on her various rules she had to obey.

Healing Hands
Although very minor Olivia can access her old non-fallen aasamir powers briefly and limitedly, this includes the ability to heal minor scratches and wounds although she can only do this once a day.


Diary [ Personal ]
Olivia carries this diary everywhere. In reality it's not actually a diary but an ancient spellbook that cannot be destroyed by any means possible. She stole it from her master when she finally broke free. However she's unaware of this and uses it as a diary to write about her life.

Spell Casting Focus [ Spell Casting ]
Olivia stole this small crystal orb when she escaped from her master. It's a simple small orb made from crystals that lets a user channel their magical abilities more powerfully.

Fuzzy Sweater [ Clothes ]
This pink fuzzy sweater was picked up by Olivia while scouring various garbage bins around the town once she had escaped. It was extremely dirty and had multiple holes but Olivia repaired it herself and continues to wear it.

Ripped Jeans [ Fashion ]
Another article of clothing Olivia found in the trash but was much more comfortable then the old rags of clothing she was forced to wear before. These jeans have tears and holes but other fashionable youths seemed to like the holes so she kept them to seem normal.

Slave Mark [ Branding ]
Although not by her choice Olivia is branded forever by a slave mark. This powerful mark is embedded with her masters mana, making it impossible for her to remove it through any normal means. This mark causes her constant physical pain in it's location the further she is away from her owner, but she fights through the pain because she dreads having to go back.

Description and Backstory


Olivia is a small woman adorned with various scars and burns across her body. Her shoulder bears a slave mark from her previous captor and causes her constant pain. She's timid, quick to run, and very easy to scare. She wears only one pair of clothes and constantly keeps them repaired herself. She will use magic to clean them instantly so that she never lets them leave her sight.

Backstory Preview

Olivia was always hated by her parents from birth. They had moved to a small village that was known for birthing "Aasamirs" a race known to be chosen and blessed by the gods of the realm. These holy races looked identical to humans but often had a more god-like trait, such as glowing eyes or angelic wings they could sprout on command. The parents would give birth to Olivia hoping she was one of these Aasamirs in order to be known across the realms. However when olivia turned 7 and she still showed no traits of these powers her parents had grown to hate her. Selling her off to a slave market where she was eventually bought by a man who promised to teach her magic though he never had the intention to do so.

Through the various years her master had abused her for failing or messing up menial tasks such as cleaning the floor of his house or dropping items he had her carry an over abundance of. These marks adorn her body and remind her of the 10 years she spent in servitude under this horrible man. At the age of 17 she finally escaped when she awoke to her Aasamir powers. However they were that of a fallen aasamir, one who strayed from her noble destiny. She sprouted spectral wings and darkness poured from her eyes as she sent out a shockwave that knocked her slave owner to his knees and made him lose consciousness for multiple days. She took advantage of this and fled as far as she could from the hell-hole her parents sold her into. She stole a magical book she uses as a diary, a small orb made of various crystals to channel her magic and set off to explore the world and learn magic like she's always dreamt of.

The School

One day during olivias daily practice of magic her spell casting went wild. A massive portal spawned in front of her instead of a simple firebolt spell and it sucked her into the portal, spitting her out at a famous acadamy for mages reknown for its power and wealth of knowledge across the world. From there she was quickly swept into the first meeting of the school year for new students and found this was her new place that she wanted to be. She quickly met with the headmaster of the school and explained her situation. The headmaster amaazed that her magic had the power to break through the schools intense magical barriers and protection glyphs instantly let her join the acadamy and paid for her tuition himself, wanting to nurture and foster the growth of a woman with such innate yet wild magic.

Relationships (WIP)



[ relationship ]

Clarissa is one of Olivias fellow classmates at the Strixhaven acadamy. This mysterious catgirl was cursed to wander life as a child and adventures to find a way to break this curse. She acts as a sort of bodyguard for Olivia and has earned Olivias friendship in exchange.



[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.