


6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Lucianna Marie Mapletop (She doesnt like being called this)

Nickname: Lucia

Age: 16

Birthday: March 8th

Race/Species Human

Occupation: Pirate

Hobbies: Wood carving, Sewing, Origami.

Gender: Female

Height: 5'3 or 162cm

Habits: Paces the floor when nervous/worried/anxious.

Likes: Making toys out of wood, Cake, Tea, Snakes, Making people happy, Blobfish, Weirdly cute things, Dogs, Origami, Card games, Treasure hunting.

Dislikes: Coffee, Bugs, Rats, Crying in front of people, When people can read her, Creepy dolls, Reading, Any shoes that aren't boots, vampires.


Lucia is very cheerful, and bubbly. But can get really shy around people she doesn't know. She is very sweet and gentle but can also be strong when she needs to be. She can be overly trusting in people she doesn’t know much about, she tries to stop herself from trusting too much, but she has a hard time doubting people unless they give her a reason to, or unless she gets a really bad vibe from them. Lucia is very intuitive, but relies on her intuition too much, and doesn’t think very logically. She’s a very sensitive person, but tends to hide her real feelings. She can be childish, and Impatient at times. She’s very loyal to her friends but can also get very dependant on them. She's very soft and hates hurting people, whether it be emotionally or physically, so she prefers to sneakily and painlessly take her opponents down, unless they hurt her friends(especially Caroline) then she wont hold back.


Lucia grew up in the slums. She learned to trick, scam, and steal from a young age. She had to in order to eat.
She mother and father were very abusive. They would hit her often, and would rarely feed her.
Once her father found out about her stealing coins and food, he demanded her to give him everything she made. She complied, hoping her mother and father would finally love her if she did this for them. But of course nothing changed at home, and now she doesn't even have the food she stole, they kept it for themselves and still wouldn't give her any.
One day, she was on the sidewalk of the better part of the town, begging, she didn't have enough energy to steal, she could barely move.
a girl not much older than her approached her. “Do you need help?”  The girl asked. Lucia was about to answer, but the man that was with the girl interrupted “Miss Valeria, you should not be talking to these types of people, your father would not be pleased.” The man said, encouraging her to stay away from Lucia. The girl looked over at the man, then back at Lucia. “Alright...” She said, disappointingly, before leaving with the man.

Hours later, Lucia was about to give up all hope, and thought she was going to starve to death.
Just as she was about to completely give up though, the girl from before returns. This time alone, and with paper bags in her arms.
“I’m sorry about earlier, But i snuck out, and brought something for you!” The girl sat across from Lucia and handed her the bag. When Lucia opened and looked in the bag, it was full of bread and other kinds of food. Lucia was so hungry she dug right in, and ate almost the entire bag.
The girl giggled “Haha~ what’s your name? How old are you?” She looked at Lucia, excited to know more about her. “My name is Lucia, and i’m 8 years old.” Lucia replied, shyly. “How about you?” Lucia asked,
“My name is Valeria Caroline, but you can just call me Caroline! And i’m 10 years old, looks like i’m older than you, haha~” The girl said, very excited and cheerfully.
Lucia wasn’t use to people being this nice to her, she didn’t know how to react, at first she just sat and listened to Caroline talk, but before long she was talking just as much. And before Lucia even realized it, she had made her very first friend.

Things were still difficult but whenever she wanted to give up, she thought of Caroline, and gained the will to keep going.
Of course, Caroline helped her a ton other than just being there to talk and play with her. Whenever Caroline was able to leave the house, She would bring food for Lucia, and sometimes even clothes that Caroline grew out of. Though, a lot of them were too dressy for Lucia to wear. But she still appreciated everything Caroline gave her and did for her.

There was a period in time, when Caroline left Lucia, Lucia was about 12 years old when she left. Lucia was really upset about her best friend leaving, but she knew she would come back, so she patiently waited for that day to come.
Lucia was 15 when Caroline finally returned, Lucia was happy beyond belief to have her best friend back. But when Caroline got back she suggested the idea of running away and becoming pirates. She had told Lucia she didn't have to come with her, but she was free to join her if she wanted. But, Caroline had just returned and Lucia couldn't bare being without her anymore. And she couldn’t let her best friend do it alone, she wanted to repay her for everything she had done for her, and generally just wanted to protect and keep Caroline safe. So she accepted her offer, though she was a bit scared and nervous.

Later that night, when she was returning home. she overheard her parents talking. They were talking about how Lucia was too much of a bother to keep around, and how she wasn’t bring as much food and coins to them as she once did(She slowly started scamming and stealing less since she met Caroline.)
They had come to the decision, that they would sell Lucia to a human trafficker. Once Lucia heard this, she refused to let it happen. She was a bit hesitant on becoming a pirate before, but now she knows she needs to do it.
She hid outside, until her mother and father fell asleep. Once they were, she snuck in, took her backpack, filled it with her stuff, and left.


Caroline : Her best friend since she was 8 years old. (more about how they met in the backstory)
Fun fact: When they were younger Lucia had a crush on Caroline, but she doesnt anymore.

Raiphe : Raiphe and Lucia are fighting each other almost all the time, But deep down they both care for each other, even if they don’t want to admit it.
Lucia is actually jealous of Raiphe, because she doesn’t want to lose Caroline to him.

Noah : Lucia adores Noah. He’s childish and can be a brat and it annoys her sometimes but she still loves him like a little brother.
He annoys her sometimes with his childish behavior, but she tries not to be too hard on him. They have similar pasts, so she can understand why he acts how he does. She’s trying her best to make him happy, much like Caroline did for her.