Abigail's Comments

"What's your favourite thing to do when you have a night all to yourself?"

play games with friends or watch anime that i don't feel comfortable watching with other people around. maybe do something productive if i have enough motivation.

#26 - Mood with the lack of motivation honestly ;v;" but sometimes you just need a break from it, having a nice cozy night is a good way to reset your brain for productivity later on

It all depends on my mood!

When I actually feel like being alone, I'll just sit down and binge some YouTube, maybe play some games, but if I don't feel like being alone, I'll chat with some friends, go onto some multiplayer games and have fun with friends ^^

#25 - All good options! I've been wishing my friend hasn't been so busy lately, otherwise we'd be playing the new pokemon games with her, but it's always nice when the schedules match up ^^

I get all cozy with a blanket and watch some shows when I have a night to myself

#24 - A good choice!

"What's your favourite thing to do when you have a night all to yourself?" I like to play games or clean! cleaning comes easier for me at night and when im alone. ... or draw kitvos ofc

#23 - Cleaning at night is super peaceful, if I lived alone that's probably when I'd be doing it!

"What's your favourite thing to do when you have a night all to yourself?" 

My usual thing to do is to spend my night with either a good book and my own writing notebooks. But. If I have recently bought a new game, then I can and WILL go on a 12+ hour binge of my new game, and not realize the time it is until, oh...5am....

Hello Marvel Midnight Suns as the msot recent of these games, and already at 30+ hours...

#22 - Oof yeah I've been there ;v; I miss the days I could stay up that late playing games, work gets in the way of it now but when a game is good enough to get you losing track of time like that, I consider it a win!

Honestly, full disclosure, I still stay up that late on my weekends...I just took a 4 day weekend/mini vacation from work, and that's where all my hours in Midnight Suns came from lol.

"What's your favourite thing to do when you have a night all to yourself?" 

I like to chill and do my hobbies or watch tv

#21 - Yea a night to just relax is really nice ^^

A night all to myself? Not a luxury I have often! But ideally, I'd put on some light ambience (lately it's been holiday themed since,, 'tis the season) in the background and draw! Or just zone out and worldbuild in my head. Or play Legends Arceus since I don't have the new game and that pokedex ain't gonna complete itself XD

#20 - Sounds like a good time! I should go back and finish Arceus, I got a bit frustrated trying to find a Cherubi so I ended up setting the game down a while back ;v;

I love eating copious (and possibly outrageous) amounts of snacks while watching Invader Zim (for the 20th time XD )  while wrapped up in blankets <3

#19 - Sounds like a good time honestly! Comfort show and tasty snacks, I'm all for it asdfghjkl

creature beloved,,

I'd say I usually either think about OC things (Mostly the Trio. There hasn't been a day where I haven't thought about Torrent in a while), scroll through Tumblr, ooor occasionally browse Wii games ^^

#18 - Give the Torrent lore dfghjkl the Wii though oml, feels like a lifetime since I last played. I should really get mine set up again ;v;"

Every night for me is a night to myself, so i kinda just do whatever i normally do. Usually watching youtube with dinner or drawing something, nothing interesting really.

#17 - Same honestly, I don't go out much but there's usually something around the house that needs doing, it's nice to finally sit down with a good video after everything's finished

I listen to my music a little louder, singing along. Usually a night to myself is a good time to draw or game without my roommates around leaking stress.

#16 - Oh god I remember having roommates ;v;" not the worst thing ever but yeah it can change the whole mood of the house. It's nice to get a break from that for sure

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#15 - Oh yes cats are great! Mine don't play as much anymore but when I've got a night in they'll come hang out with me ^^ it's nice company

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Roleplay my OCs with friends, watch videos, play video games, draw, read books, daydream. Depends on my mood, really 

#14 - All good options! I don't roleplay much anymore but I remember it being a nice chill way to develop characters

I'll usually wrap up in a warm, fuzzy blanket and turn on some Markiplier. I hate being alone, but watching Mark's streams makes things a bit easier. ^^

#13 - Definitely agree! He's got a real comforting vibe even when he's being wildly chaotic dfghjkl

Entering ♥️ my fav thing to do at night is absolutely put on some good tunes or binging with babish and draw!

#12 - Oh I've never heard of them, I'll have to check it out!

I'll usually vibe with some music or just daydream up scenarios for my characters (mainly DnD ones lately xD). 

#11 - Oooh sounds fun! I keep wanting to try DnD but I have no idea where to start, it seems so complicated

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#10 - Agree on the fluffy blankets tbh. I haven't read a book in a long while now that I'm thinking about it, got a whole shelf full of them too ;v;" maybe that'll be my new year's resolution

i like to call with my friends or play some idle games! :) daydreaming/pacing is fun to do when i have too much pent up energy

#9 - Oo nice! I usually sing when I've got too much energy, as long as no one else is in the house ;v;"

oo!! :) me too, i like to sing to my dogs

Ahh that's cute! Do they ever sing back?

two of them arent too vocal, but our bluetick is one of the loudest dogs ive ever met. even so he just stares at me LMAO <3


Sleep 😂

#8 - Valid asdfghjk

i usually just call with my bf and play games! :]

#7 - Oh that sounds like fun!

I curl up with my Ipod and vibe to some tunes and or play games on the switch with a game long play or YouTube lets play  in the background. 

#6 - Best way to spend the night tbh, there's just something so nice about having that background noise


i like to chill and watch videos, or just explore the internet

#5 - Same! There's a lot of internet rabbit holes to jump into, can lead to learning some cool things :3c

I like to daydream (or nightdream, I suppose). Just sit and relax, some music on in the background, just plotting for characters or something. Very relaxing, it's kinda like meditation almost.

#4 - Ooh yes for sure. It's good to just kinda think about things without the distraction of doing something else at the same time

My favorite thing to do when I have the night all to myself is to sit and work on my diamond painting I have and listen to episodes of Bones as i've seen pretty much all of them

#3 Diamond painting? And yea watching repeats is great for multi-tasking so you don't have to always be watching the screen ^^ it actually makes it tougher to watch new things sometimes since I'm so used to doing something else while listening

yeah! it's where you have this canvas that you put these tiny diamonds onto, it's like a paint-by-number but with diamonds!

Oooh yeah I've heard of those, sounds like fun!

My go to is Podcasts and Video Games! Or if I'm not feeling up for either, just snuggling up and watching YouTube videos. :D

#2 Same! I've been poking around podcasts more lately though I haven't found any that really grabbed me yet. Youtube's still my go-to background noise, for now anyway sdfghjkl

putting on one of my favourite youtubers and game! Currently WoW Dragonflight as I finally found motivation to do so!

#1 Ooo yeah youtube and gaming is a great combo :3c

also, awesome design! <3

Thank you!