Black Sea Dragon



1 year, 4 months ago








black sea dragon


See how the brain plays around, and you fall inside a hole you couldn't see.- The Mind Electric


Nyx isn't likeable, rather he is a bitter old chow with much to do in his vast spare time, despite seeming unsociable and rude, he's generally formal with his tongue and makes snide passive agressive remarks often. Nyx is rather quiet to begin with, he speaks slowly and he speaks somewhat monotone. Though easily provoked, Nyx occassionally lashes out on others in frustration. Dispite lashing out often, he refuses to start fights with chowlings that he deems weaker than he is, this mainly goes for non-lineage chowlings as he tolerates them and treats younger ones like annoying children in his eyes. Even though his tone may present to be bothered or frustrated. Nyxon is usually docile and avoidant with other chowlings.


Nyxon looks young for his age. He wears a bandana adnored with teethlike charms on both his neck and head. His head bandana has a small charm on only one side. Nyxon also has an Optional hood that resembles his theme, black dragonfish, a small rope with a lightly decorated bulb on it keeps the hood together.

Nyxon is mainly made up of a dark pallete with blue accents. Though his the rows of dotted blue are the only part that glows. His face is freckled and his neck is spotted that fades away in a dark gradient. His hair covers one of his eyes a bit as he grows somewhat of a mullet/mane. Instead of a fluffy dragon mane, it's replaced with fins that go all the way to his tail.

fighting style

Only engaging during the night he's more bark than bite. Nyx is easily provoked and likely to lash out. He has an fast reaction time and is considerably agile however his defense is not as good. Usually relying on his enviroment as an advantage, hence why he roams during the night. Nyx's dark fur is suppose to blend in with the dark enviroment. In the beginning of the battle, Nyxon would start leaking fog til the whole eviroment or place starts to fog up (depending on the location). In a loosing battle, he'll just flee into the darkness.

With his ability to control his bioluminescences' brightness combined with his speed, he uses the two to confuse targets when dodging and wearing them down because his bite nor claws aren't as strong or sharp, and counts on chipping damage throughout the battle. His best tactic is to stall until the opponent is exhausted enough for his final strike, his venom.


In his younger years, Nyxon was not as bitter as he was today. However still stubborn and short tempered with other chows, he'd never admit to wanting to be friends with Tobi. Often making sly remarks such as, "Can't even catch a grasshopper, four eyes?" though his playful competitive nature soon grew dimmer. His relationship with Tobi withered as they became more of enemies than two rival friends. Eventually battling and leaving a permanent scar on his right eye.

Years later, Nyxon fell in love with Adonis' late mother, even with his unpleasant personality, his heart shattered when she passed ater having Adonis. Nyxon started detesting Adonis, gorwing bitter and neglagent towards him, but that didn't stop Adonis from growing up with an positive outlook in life. Nyxon continues to grieve and sulk at the dead of night.


  • Wears a headband under the hood, headband is the second row of teeth markings under hood.
  • Nyx has a mullet/mane growing.
  • Nocturnal, usually actively running errands at night
  • Dislikes his freckled face.
  • Can control his bioluminesence glow.

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