Princess Rose



1 year, 4 months ago



"This is a quote with a highlighted word right there."

Princess Rose

Female (she/her)

6 Years (june 11)


Skywing Palace

!! Most of Rose's bio is only relevant when she's older, as a teenager. Baby Rose only really cares about toys and playing and mom.

The young princess has lived a life of wealth and luxury, praised by all those around her. She is well taken care of by Palace staff. Rose takes most of her gifts - the highest quality food, the best educators, security at all times, the finest jewelry, anything she desires at the tips of her claws - all for granted. Rose is quite stuck-up and bratty and is known to throw a fit when deliveries are late or her room is a cold. This also makes her quite stubborn, and it's difficult for her to see life from another's perspective. She is royalty - she demands and deserves nothing less than the best of the best.

Being born with four wings has not affected the young princess much. In fact, Rose enjoys the fact that she stands out among the rest. She's an oddity, an anomaly, weird and different - and she takes great pride in accepting herself as she is.

Rose is Queen Ruby's eldest daughter, but has shown no interest in the crown. She definitely enjoys ordering dragons around, but ruling an entire Kingdom is a little too much responsibility for her. The Queen is young, though, so Rose doesn't feel any pressure to challenge her mother any time soon. (In fact, she wouldn't mind having a younger sister to hand the crown to. Or really, any like-minded dragon she could have an actual connection with.)

What does have Rose's interests is the morbid and horrific. Death and decay, shadowy corners, crypts and creepy-crawlies. She has a room in the palace dedicated to her insect collection, beautifully decorated with the bones of various animals and spine-chilling paintings. Rose likes to study history and science, and loves a good horror novel. The young princess often finds herself happiest when she can sneak away at night to explore the old, decrepit tunnels under the Palace or the ancient forests to the north.

Rose is a demanding and straightforward dragon. She is prideful, smart, and has little reason to lie to or deceive others. She dislikes dragons who are insecure or dishonest. There hae been many times where Rose dismissed a dragon for a wavering voice or for cowering before her. She finds weak-hearted dragons to be disappointing.

What the young princess lacks is friends. True, genuine companionship. The best she has is her python, who enjoys the warmth of her scales. The Palace staff is kind to her, but Rose gets the impression that it's because it is their duty to be polite - they are being respectful, not honest. Rose has tried to befriend peers and the younger adults of the palace, but she feels like she can't truly get along with any of them. Nobody understands her, and it's frustrating, so Rose continues to get more bitter and rude as she ages. She stubbornly holds onto the belief that if nobody likes her, that's fine! She doesn't need friends anyway.

plushies, pillows, forests, bones, bugs, rot

Being born with four wings really hasn't affected the young princess much. In Rose's case, the extra wings are the remnants of a conjoined twin. As a hatchling, her wings were weaker than average, and it took her an extra two years to gain the strength and skills to use all four properly in flight (she's a little insecure about it). Rose may have been picked on for her oddity, but she is the princess, and her status has protected her from harsher comments about her appearance and abilities. As she has aged, Rose has grown to enjoy the stares and extra attention she gets.

Rose's life has been fairly limited to the Palace and the surrounding city. She is still a dragonet, after all. Rose has been primarily raised by a team of palace staff who hardly ever leave her alone, but Queen Ruby makes sure to schedule plenty of time for her children.

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