


1 year, 6 months ago


He is an angel who comes down to earth for the reluctant business of bringing other angels and entities such as demons/spirits/etc to the other realm, whether they like it or not. Usually they don't and so he must become more physically forceful. In other words, fights tend to break out. He is serious, a bit bratty, gets furious if things don’t go right, and embarrasses easily. Sometimes, either when exasperated or getting serious for business, he ties his hair up if it's loose. 

-Potato chips. You can find him snacking on potato chips to destress/as a pick-me-up.
-He actually really loves art and draws alone whenever he gets the chance. However, he's pretty bad at it and knows it, so he hides all of it. Burns it if necessary. He'd get very embarrassed and angry if anyone ever saw it. 

-Early mornings. He is not an early rises and struggles to get up.
-Not a fan of sweet things like deserts. Can tolerate some sweets, but prefers not to since it makes him gag. It's foul. Especially overly sugary stuff. 

Hair: Please draw him in many different hair styles!! Loose, braided, half tied, loose with some braids, etc. Just have fun with his hair!!! 

Shoes: I'd love for him to have some neat ankle boots with chains/accessories like These 

Extra clothes: Feel free to take a look Here for some random casual clothes ideas.

He takes very good care of his wings, feathers and hair. They always pay great attention to their wellbeing and always want their feathers and hair to look presentable and shiny. (by mrssxdb)