Kang-Dae Cheong



1 year, 6 months ago


"I don't date criminals."
name Kang-Dae Cheong
age Eighteen
gender Male, AMAB
pronouns He/Him
orientation Homosexual
height 6'0
club Student Council

code jiko


Kang-Dae is a third year at Mishamari Upper Secondary School known for and regarded as the world's "most boring man". He is a detective, working with an agency nearby to try and track down the murderer/s/ of five people within the school. He is currently working on solving the case, suspecting everyone around him and insisting that they all serve time for their various crimes. Kang-Dae is very serious and no-nonsense, often not understanding sarcasm, jokes, or slang from trends.

Tea, iced water, almonds, gentle cologne smells, doing laundry, warm clothes, Korean food, dishes with beef, spending time with Apollo, cats, bitter foods.
Incomplete meals, rule-breaking of any kind, desserts, sugar-heavy meals, unhealthy foods, snacking, sarcasm, liars, showing off skin, practical jokers.

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Kang-Dae Cheong was born in South Korea, living there most of his life with a mostly happy family. Growing up, he noticed crime all around him and was disgusted by the lack of justice served, hoping one day he would be able to serve it himself. He entertained himself with books about laws amidst regular games, his resolve only growing when he was catfished and scammed into spending a good deal of his parents' money. The incident led to a serious fight between his parents and, eventually, a divorce. His mother and him moved to Japan when he was only ten, where he would spend the rest of his life aside from visits to Korea during the summer.

In school, Kang-Dae found that the people around him were predominantly criminals. Horrified, he spent much of his time learning the new laws around him and trying to figure out a way to fix the problem. At eighteen, he signed up for a small detective agency that was trying to figure out a string of murders at the high school Kang-Dae was attending. Seeing an oppurtunity to get an inside source, they hired him very quickly. Today, he works to unravel the case and find out the truth behind the unsolved mysteries.

Design Notes
  • He wears a lot of long jackets.
  • Light colors!! His colors are kind of inspired by lighter tones in coffee, if that helps.
  • He is really muscular.
  • Apollo was the one who catfished him.
  • He is not very well-liked because of how serious he is.
  • He genuinely doesn't know what memes are.
  • The murders he was sent to investigate were all done by Ayame Hayashi at the order of Kuchinashi Nanako.

Music Box
Where is the justice
When the guilty all go free?
Why don't we lock them up
And throw away the key?

I see a young man's anger burning in your eyes

What you see is my impatience
With your noble compromise

Show me what's right about
The wrongs that we allow
Real people need to feel
Protected here and now

This whole damn system’s broken way beyond repair
It's just law not law and order
Not much good and seldom fair

[Student #1]
Laws are made for everyone
We're treated all the same

Till a lawyer's tricks can fix the blame

Let the corporations
Make the regulations
And hold no one accountable
When everything goes wrong

Let the rich and famous
Get away with murder
Every time a high-priced
Mouth-piece starts to talk
His client gets to walk

Tell me, where is the justice?
If there’s any justice

Where's the justice?
Tell me where!

Where is the justice

Tell me where!

For all the victims?

Tell me where!

Where is the justice?
What good is law that can’t
Punish those who break it?

[Student #2]
Make their speeches all day long
While judges pushing pencils
Mostly get it wrong
(Mostly get it wrong!)

[Student #3]
Instead of loopholes
For the laws to fall between
Let some good old-fashioned pay-back
Grease the wheels of a machine
(Grease the wheels of the machine)

Isn't everybody sick to death of all this stuff?
Can't we all stand up and say enough?
(We've had enough)

(Justice, justice, justice, now's the time for)

Listen to the families
Hiding in their houses (justice, justice)
All of them afraid to walk the streets at night
With all their doors locked tight
We must give them their justice

Where is the justice?

We owe them some justice

Where is the justice?

Where is the justice?