Lucinda Sinclair [for sale]



6 years, 2 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)



Name: Lucinda Amaryllis Sinclair

Also Known As: Lucy

Titles: Quidditch Captain (Hufflepuff), Head Girl (Hufflepuff)

Age: 11-18, 35 

Birthday: April 13

Astrological Sign: Aries

Nationality: British

Species: Pure-blood

Blood Type: AB-

Gender: Female

About Him/Her

Personality: Lucinda was an impatient and bossy child which resulted in many doubts of her house placement as a Hufflepuff. She wanted things done on her own accord and struggled in accepting her classmates making their own decisions for she felt she “knew best” for them. This made others assume she was also arrogant and controlling, yet this was not the case. In fact, Lucinda was a deeply thoughtful and kind individual who enjoyed going out of her way to help others. It was the methods she practiced to showcase these feelings that led to those assumptions. For example, as a child others often saw her scolding Neville Longbottom for his clumsiness and timid nature. Outwardly it appeared she was picking at his flaws, but in reality she was criticizing him for holding himself back. “That’s enough! Straighten up and stop fidgeting! You’ve got so much potential that you’ll never unlock if you keep calling yourself a nobody. I know you’re capable of so much more, so hurry up and believe in yourself too!

    Yet as she aged, it became easier to see what the Sorting Hat had. In addition to being loyal to and thoughtful of her friends, she was a hard-worker who never shied away from a challenge and enjoyed in succeeding. However, this was for personal confidence and not to boost competition, something which her parents and their families couldn’t understand. In fact, Lucinda’s humble nature often left her extremely embarrassed when they boasted about her accomplishments.

    Furthermore, her childhood faults dissolved as she aged into a more relaxed and considerate woman. Throughout her years at Hogwarts, the trials she faced forced her to ease up her impatient attitude to instead consider what her friends had endured and to focus on helping them the best she could, no matter the time cost. Likewise, she developed a more practical and appropriate approach in expressing her intentions and beliefs to others; as opposed to forcing change, she encouraged it. For example, instead of criticizing Neville, she did her best to inspire him. “It can be scary and for a while I know that’s all it will be, but your friends and I need you because we know that you’re capable of more than you think and once you realize that, you’ll be truly brilliant.

Occupation: Student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (formerly), Auror
Likes: Detailed plans, organizing, dancing, sunny mornings, and challenging herself
Dislikes: Repeating herself
Hobby: Calligraphy
Strengths: She’s a team player who has excellent management skills and a strong sense of responsibility to match her loyalty and heart.
Weaknesses: When she feels her efforts are unappreciated, she becomes needy and fishes for compliments to reassure that she is valued. Likewise, she can sometimes give someone too much attention and overwhelm them and herself in her effort to help, thus making it awkward for both parties; the attention she gives others should be more for herself to improve. 



  • Length: 12"
  • Flexibility: Hard
  • Wood: Hornbeam
  • Core: Dragon Heartstring

Pet: Barn owl named "Kikimora"

Boggart: Surrounding black shadows; struggle equates more shadows (fear: claustrophobia)

Patronus: Marsh Harrier

Amortentia: Fresh flowers, new books, and Neville's cologne 

Extra Information

Quotes:You failed miserably and it was unbelievably embarrassing, but what matters is that you tried and you try again.” 

Theme Song: Here Comes The Sun
Banoffee pie

Drink: Earl Grey tea

Color: Daffodil yellow

Animal: Canary

Flower: Daisies

Season: Summer