art giveaway (suspended)



1 year, 6 months ago
Trade Listing


suspended ;-;

Sorry this doesn't make sense. We won't reach the next threshold for a year so that I can't draw another gift for anyone. The last milestone and gift was made on January 24 2023. Nobody more wants free art from me. I give up

milestones art giveaway



I got a whole two votes in the poll... Anyway. Even  because of these two people, I'll do it ;]

So as a thank you for adding my characters to your favorites, I figured I'd also do a raffle and thank you in the form of drawings ;D

For every 10 favs on any of my characters I will randomly choose one of the people who faved OC and draw something for them.

Attention! Characters in 'Unused. Still like.' folder, bases and species sheets will not count! Keep that in mind please :]

Raffle has no end date. 

You might win more than once! But only once per character.


- Fav at least one of my OCs and don't unfav after u win a drawing. Of course, the more characters you add to your favorites, the more chances you have to win ;D

Remember! Just because you hit a 10th, 20th or any other round fav doesn't mean you won! A raffle like this would make no sense. The winner will be chosen randomly ;]

- Fave this post too. Then I'll know you're participating! 

- you don't need to comment 


 every 10 faves is an art piece for random person who faved character

  • Prizes:

    Very different. From icon by bust drawing, halfbody, thigh up drawing to fullbody or even blinking gif.
  • It will depend on how much time I have at that moment ;]


Other info:

- Don't be salty if you don't win!
- Don't use multiple accounts! It's not fair to others users :(
- unfavorite my character after receiving an art piece mean that u will be blacklisted :(
- Subbing is optional. It don't give extra entry, but is appreciated if you like my art.

 Extra entries(?):

Want to increase your chances of getting a fullbody drawing with scenery?
Draw anyone of my characters.

It can be simple headshot, but remember, the more you try, the more I'll be willing to draw something extra for you if you win ;]
