Mournful Jester Spinel



1 year, 5 months ago


Mournful Jester Spinel



Gem Placement

Left Eye

Era Made

Era 3


Personal Playmate



MoHs Scale

7.5 - 8



Mournful Jester Spinel is the personal entertainer to Orange Sunrise Diamond. Being a pure blue hue which is considered the opposite of her Diamond. This is purely due to Devourer Spinel, White Diamond’s Spinel, setting an example for all of the Diamond’s personal playmates to be the opposite color they are. However color isn’t the only thing Jester is the opposite of her Diamond- she also is the complete opposite personality wise. Being chipper and cheerful day in and out, but since her Diamond is so sorrowful this doesn't really fly for a gem that is meant to serve her. So Jester has begun to put on an act of sorrow and sadness to try and please her Diamond. So far it has pleased Orange enough, but Orange is still highly likely to return Jester to the Snowy Court where she came from. Orange doesn't care about having a playmate, even being the head of the court if entertainment, at this point Jester is kept around since she was a gift from Snowy diamond and for the social image that having a Spinel brings a gem. Jester isn’t mournful naturally, but slowly she is becoming it- wanting to play with someone who will actually want to be her friend. However for now she is stuck serving a Diamond who doesn’t care about her existence.

I'll try to be sad for her, I swear I can be!

- Mournful Jester Spinel

The Sunrise Court


  • She took up an entire moon when she formed, Orange saw it as a waste of materials.
  • Jester hasn’t gotten the chance to meet any other spinels in the Empire but hopes one day she can.
  • She has a great love for Zircons, watching them work is one of the only things that can bring her energy down.
  • She really, really wants a new playmate, her top pick for a new one is actually the Irnimite Jasper in Sunset’s court.