


1 year, 6 months ago


Straight asexual

Denevol is one of those chill stoner kids you meet in college that you get along well enough with at parties, but who you don't actually know anything about. He's incredibly amicable and easy to get along with, though it's unknown if he has any actual friends. He just seems to get along with everyone equally. Publicly, it's incredibly hard to get under his skin, and nobody has successfully managed to do so thus far-- but privately, Denevol is a lot more judgmental than he lets on. If he's alone with the one who's annoying him, he'll let them know just exactly what he thinks of them. Denevol is always tired, and his bloodstream is basically made of caffeine and drugs at this point, especially weed because again, stoner. He wears a signature chill smile and a beanie always, and he just likes to vibe. Sucks to be him though, because his computer programming classes are hard as hell and to keep up both his good grades and a thriving social life, he decided to sacrifice his sleep schedule. 

Along with being your typical sleep-deprived college stoner, Denevol also managed to get himself cursed. What happened is that he procrastinated a bit too long on a veeery important assignment in his computer programming class, and his calm mask slipped away into panic. Searching for a solution a bit more... unorthodox that usual, Denevol turned to the occult section in his library. In his hurry, he made a series of very poor life decisions, and summoned a demon. He sacrificed his eternal soul for good grades, wouldn't you know it. But Denevol couldn't just breeze through college all easy now, couldn't he. There had to be consequences. The demon manifested into the wires that you see on him, curling around his limbs and scaring circuitry patters into his fur to identify the nature of his curse. Now, it is physically impossible for Denevol to sleep, and he's permanently connected to electronics. He's able to control them at will and recharge his energy by "connecting" himself to various appliances. In turn, the demon is able to physically control him whenever it wishes, and it can explode nearby appliances if it gets pissed off.

Really wasn't the best choice, but well, Denevol ain't too broken up about it.

Design notes: Is NEVER seen without his beanie, the circuitry patterns can be simplified but not removed, wires and bandaid are a MUST, has bags under his eyes and a chill smile