Mr. Fluffles



6 years, 2 months ago


Mr. Fluffles is an amazing doctor and alchemist, though he much prefers  Mr. over Dr. since that's his name of course.  Mr. Fluffles barely  sleeps, and quite often has bags under his eyes.  He doesn't leave his  house much, and people began speculating about him.  They think he's a  mad scientist, but he's not.  He is simply dedicated to his work.  Or  that's what he claims anyways.

Mr. Fluffles only leaves his home on  errands, getting plants from Missy, pets from Ezra, and bottles for the  many things he creates.  Mr. Fluffles has trouble making friends, since  he's very awkward around strangers.  Once you get to know him, he's very  silly!  He loves joking around and playing with animals, which he has  quite a few of.

Mr. Fluffles often falls asleep in very strange  places, and when he is visited is often found sleeping slumped on tables  in the middle of the day.

He loves stuffed animals.

Name: Mr. Fluffles

Office title: Dr. Mr. Fluffles

Gender: Male

Likes: Stufties, medicine, mixing things, potions, baking, cooking, being warm, friends, playing, being silly,

Bio:  Mr. Fluffles grew up in the Oceandome, living in a small friendly  village.  Sadly, he got ran out because they all thought he was crazy,  but he came back later!  There were more people and they had realized he  wasn't crazy, and got accepted in.  They even helped him build his  house!  There was one hint wrong though, he actually was a bit crazy.   When he was away, he mixed very strange potions.  He became known as the  wandering witch in another town, as no one ever saw anything of him but  knew there was something magic out there.  Back in his home village  however, Mr. Fluffles stopped with the odd potions and kept going with  his helpful ones.  He became a doctor, creating medicines for the  villagers.  He did however start experimenting.  He created strange  things, starting to dabble in strange potions again even though he knew  it wasn't good to do so.  He fell asleep while creating a few, and they  crashed together on him and exploded!  He got dung back against the  wall, and woke up.  When he got out of his building, he shoved open the  door and fell out.  Smoke poured out of his house behind him, and he was  coughing and felt extreme pain.  When he got to his feet finally, he  realized he wasn't home.  The world was different, he was in a forest.   He hurriedly checked around his house.  After finding out he was safe,  he found a nearby stream and soaked his cloak in it.  He went back  inside his house and opened all the windows, keeping his cloak over  himself and his mouth.  After it all aired out he explored and checked  all his potions.  He found out how to get home, though it caused another  small explosion.  He aired his house out again and started keeping a  journal, writing down absolutely everything he did and mixed and found  out how to travel to various dimensions.