


1 year, 5 months ago


Basic Info:

Pronouns: She/her
Height: 5'6"
Family: N/A
Magic type(s): energy

Going to Naeperry Academy was almost a given for her, as all her ancestors had gone there before her, and her very well off family often donates funds to the academy.
Of course, being extremely gifted magically was also a big factor, however she definitely doesn't take every class seriously...... just the ones she finds fun.
She also is well known for being a bit of a party animal, sometimes even showing up to classes tipsy or hungover.

Shockingly, she becomes close to by-the-book Luna, and drags her around to "enjoy life a little"..... Luna could easily say no and stop her, but allows herself to be dragged around.... Allay doesn't question this as she's just glad to have fun!

They eventually also meet Mahina, who Allay declares that they will "take her under their wings" and often defends her from her vicious family members (mostly Danica).
Even though Mahina is a bit serious about her studies, Allay makes sure she still has fun and often drags her and Luna off campus to enjoy different festivities that happen in the surrounding towns.
As they grow closer, Allay eventually starts to realize that she likes Luna and Mahina a lot more than she initially thought. She would start picking up on things she would previously overlook, confirming to herself that they likely feel the same (Luna being much more obvious than Mahina), and decides to be the one to take the step forward.
She would bring up the conversation to both Luna and Mahina; leading to the three forming a polycule relationship together.