
1 year, 6 months ago



-main information about Regiki-

-information about the Ocarina demons-

-information about his bg-

-more detailed information- OPTIONAL

-main information about Regiki-

Regiki, also known as the boy with the goat, is the youngest member of a demonic cult called ‘Ocarina Demons’ and has already made quite a name for himself amongst their ranks to the point that even their very leader has an eye on the youngling. Not because he has done an particularly heroic deed..well that’s discussable but primarily because of the fact of how quickly the young demon rises in their ranks and adapts to their culture and hierarchy. As a little preview of the Ocarina demons, these demons do not fall under the control of muzan and instead form their own group of demons with different goals, different motivations and actual alliances between demons and sometimes even humans. The Ocarina Demons are however different from what you’d expect, they are not made up of incredibly strong demons who could easily snuff out slayers or other but instead..they are quite the opposite, consisting of most of the weakest demons which muzan had created, some of them not even being in possession of an demon blood art, these demons strength lays entirely in their intelligence and speed, their adaptability, elegance and discipline and of course they are so feared amongst demons…their knowledge of nature. You see, the Ocarina demons do not seek to devour humans, neither do they seek to destroy demons. These fellas however see the curse of the demon as an gift given to the mortals, the gift to experience godhood…the gift to become immortal and be the closest to god, however gods don’t give out gifts for nothing…they have to learn to control the gift before they become a mindless killing machine and waste this blessing..they see themselves as the TRUE demons, the demons which have been intended to be created by the gods themselves, the demons depicted in Japanese mythology THE TRUE YOKAI. This mindset is shown by the fact that each member of the ocarina demons wears a personalized Oni mask showing them as the pure demon they would have been without the interference of that mutt muzan. The reason why this cult is so deeply feared amongst demons is because of the fact don’t know where they are, what they are or where they will strike..they don’t have an scent, having gotten rid about that part of themselves by excessive consuming of certain herbs or animal parts during their mutation into an ocarina demon letting their scent blend into the environment based on what they devoured upon transforming, which in Regikis case was a nearby goat which used to be the pet he traveled with. The Ocarina demons may not have strong blood demon arts, excessive physical strength..but what they do have is their incredible knowledge of herbs and animals, allowing them to create drugs and poison helping them buff their demonic abilities and clog the senses of their enemies. One neat little part about them is that they are immune to the wisteria poison due to them consuming the tea of wisteria on an daily basis and their bodies adapting to the poison making insect hashiras/breathers ineffective against these special demons. The name Ocarina demon comes from the fact that these demons have small effective holes carved into their beautiful masks and unique weaponry, when the wind blows through their weapons and masks the sound similar to an ocarina starts to play and gets carried over many many miles, depending on the personalization of the mask an different melody will play. Other members of the ocarina demons are able to identify any song and read the position, condition, identity and sea level out by just listening allowing an secretive yet effective way of communicating via long distances while keeping their identity a dark secret to the humans and mostly muzan demons. Regiki himself is an gifted young demon, he was even bestowed upon with an blood demon art after his transformation, however his extreme boldness and lack of discipline are the reason he fails so often at the simple tasks of an ocarina demon which is why he was assigned to an old mentor who was supposed to discipline him and create possibly one of the most anticipated members of the dangerous yet beautiful cult..well by now the both of them have an tight father son bond which barely shines through the stick and head whacks Regiki receives when acting too fast or too immature…


Now as I mentioned before Regiki is an special case where an ocarina demon actually obtained an blood demon art based on the first thing they had devoured upon undergoing the what exactly is it? Well as a little background Regiki had to flee from his home at an incredibly young age as his father was known to be abusive towards him and his mother, the only way the small family could provide for themselves was to breed serow goats and sell their milk, fur and meat. These goats were experts in survival and always found way to water, food and shelter which was the reason why as a way to escape his mother tied Regikis hand to a rope which was wrapped around the neck of an young goat called PochiPochi and sent them off into the snowy night, giving the goat an emblem of their house and ordering her to take care of Regiki which the young goat fulfilled. During the transformation Regiki had devoured his dear goat in hopes to immortalize her together with him as a blood demon art, whatever gods up there seemed to have mercy on his demonic soul and manifested PochiPochi as a blood demon art for the young ocarina demon. Now to the actual blood demon art, Regiki is able to summon his dear PochiPochi by taking off his mask and throwing it into the air. Using the wooden leaf instruments gifted to him by his mentor he will start to play certain melodies which activate his blood demon art and summon the massive goat spirit into his mask, despite being broad and muscular in appearance the goat spirit holds unbelievable speed and durability which not even hashiras seem to be able to keep up with, not even mentioning the fact that this goat spirit can climb any mountain with absolute ease and crosses rivers without any fear. Her loyalty to Regiki is beyond comprehension, no blade or rope shall separate them, no river shall cross them and no curse shall break them. On her back is an old high sitting saddle with carefully crafted demonic insignias, this serves as a riding saddle for Regiki as while the young demon is incredibly talented in the art of healing, fighting and reading he lacks in the area of durability and long distance traveling which PochiPochi supports him in. Depending on the melody Regiki plays PochiPochi will react differently, if he plays a calm and smooth song the goat spirit will behave relaxed, calm and mostly defensive. If Regiki however starts to play a quick and aggressive song on his leaf instrument the spirit will start behaving differently, becoming an offensive attacker, trampling its enemies, using its entire body to fight those who dare point their blades at Regiki. And that is also one of the biggest flaw of the goat spirit ability, PochiPochi is so incredibly loyal towards her master that she often completely disregards her own life and disobeys him when he tells her to flee, still heeding the last task that she was given from his mother. No matter what happens, PochiPochi will protect Regiki even if it costs her her own life. Aside from the furious goat spirit Regiki also has many weapons which are traditional to the Ocarina demons, for example the herbs which hang down from his hat are more effective demon repellants, their sickly sweet smell causing an feeling of nausea within muzan driven demons causing them to flee the scene unknowing what causes this stench, the drawback to these herbs is that they naturally attract a lot of fireflies making stealth an quite hard thing to accomplish for Regiki. Since he remains an physically weak demon he also grows certain herbs at the headquarters which buff his physical attributes for an short amount of time, pressing them into the shape of herb balls, of course they taste disgusting to him as well and he almost barfs every time he has to eat one but its definitely worth it if your strength, speed, sight and hearing gets extremely buffed thanks to the plants, though he cannot consume too much of these herbs without an digestive pause in between unless he wants to become physically ill and bedridden for a while until the drugs left his system. And last but not least Regiki carries a traditional double edged scythe with him, not only is this an extremely elegant and hard to wield weapon but it also requires a lot of patience to master. The reason he was given this weapon was because his mentor wanted to teach the energy bundle the art of patience and discipline..which Regiki most certainly needs let me tell you..


Ohhhh boy, possibly one of the main factors why the brat isn’t yet one of the highest-ranking Ocarina demons, his personality. Now don’t get me wrong he isn’t some snotty stuck up ass and no one likes’s quite the opposite actually. Regiki has huge respect for his higher ups and for the cult of the ocarina demons, however just like the partner which has accompanied him his entire life he is..stubborn. Hardheaded, loud as well and most importantly danger isn’t a thing known in his vocabulary. Let’s not forget his mischief and tendency to mess with people when they don’t understand something just to have a little laugh about it. He has proven to his mentor that he is very talented in the art of weaponry, handling the katana and longsword with ease and even bragging about his skills slightly, well he did receive an bonk to the head for that and was told to humble himself before he was handed an exclusive Ocarina demon weapon..the double sided scythe. One of the hardest weapons to master even for the higher ups due to its strange balancing but incredibly elegant style of wielding, effectiveness in cutting and thrusting and the ability to counter almost every weapon it is to face against. And believe me when I tell you that Regiki STRUGGLED with this weapon, he just didn’t have the patience for it! It always failed no matter what he did and he whacked himself over the head with it multiple times much to his mentors amusement. However it did teach the young demon more about patience despite him still not having mastered it, still getting frustrated with his weapon but when he truly gets pissed off with it PochiPochi is always there as an pillar for the young boy. While Regiki often appears immature and quick to act before thinking, hell even playful by the way he plays with his enemies before either fleeing or striking, it is not to be assumed that the boy is of lower intelligence, as assuming that would bring you and quick yet painless end. He observes while fighting, the fact that his eyes are hidden behind an oni mask giving him all the time in the world to observe your movements, perhaps weakened limbs, strategy and attack style, adapting to it in mere seconds. His observing behavior is part of the reason why the male is so scary to face in a fight as he quite literally tricks you into thinking that he storms planless into a fight while in reality knowing exactly what he is doing and how he is doing it. While ocarina demons generally void battle and try to steer into the fleeing direction when they have to fight they are incredibly scary opponents to fight and Regiki is no exception to that, especially because of the fact that he does have an blood demon art. Not an strong one to say the least but one, if ignored, can cause some serious difficulty and inconvenience during a fight. Regikis mentor has theorized that the reason the young male has such severe problems with patience and discipline, partly because of the fact that he was raised by an goat, but also partly because of his abusive household where he couldn’t physically have patience as his peaceful time was timed by the time his father left the house to the point of his return. Talking about the goat, since Regiki was raised by the little fluffy goat PochiPochi he was bound to adapt some behavior from her such as having 0 sense for personal space, being overly extroverted and of course being a master at finding certain plants, rivers and villages…he also heavily smells like goat at all times but that’s something he cannot get rid off. Believe me his mentor scrubbed him off for hours and it was still there, sime things simply cannot be gotten rid off huh? Despite often threatening humans and demons alike that he would eat them upon meeting Regiki actually holds no desire to even put anything human near his mouth even finding the thought of it rather gross, after all just like the other Ocarina demons Regiki is under the constant influence of the Wysteria poison which nullifies the effect of the cursed hunger, however this quite aggressive reaction is the result of Regiki being unable to deal with his own emotions often resulting in mild aggressive or frustrated outbreaks which are resolved by an simple bonk on his head by his dear mentor. All in all Regiki is an lovable doofus who tries his best to better himself but often falls back into old tendencies, his massive buff support goat is always there during trying times to comfort him and cause mass destruction the moment someone threatens the demon boy…ahhh such an beautiful messed up family.

-information about the Ocarina demons-

The Ocarina name which has wandered with history and has become a mystery. A cult feared by demons and pondered by humans, the ones who call themselves the true demons intended by the gods above, the ones who walk with the trees and grow with the earth. The yokai who seek to share heir gift with the humans and terminate the ones who stain the name of demons with their primitive feral behavior. Truly, this cult followed many historical events around while at the same time remaining a mystery to the mortal realm, those who have claimed to have seen an ocarina demon were laughed about as there was never any proof for the existence of these strange yet beautiful beings. And this section of the wiki will tell you all about them.

First its important to mention that Ocarina demons are fundamentally different form the demons which muzan had created and are created by a second transformation triggering when the blood of their leader enters a muzan demons bloodstream. The Ocarina demons no longer serve under the curse which Muzan had bestowed upon them when they were still regular demons, of course in order to becomean Ocarina demon you first must undergo an regular demon transformation as otherwise the hard transformation from human to ocarina demon will lead to an guaranteed painful death. The leader of the cult goes by the name of Kami, an old wise demon who resides in the underground headquarters of the Ocarina demons, barely anyone has ever seen this ancient demon but those who have say that he bears a mask bigger than anyone could possibly comprehend, an authority inducing aura so thick it was almost suffocating and the sounds produced by his mask sound..warm almost. As if the terrifying appearance of the demon was just an façade while underneath laid nothing but warmth, determination and hope. This is also proven by the way Kami leads his cult, letting personalized masks get carved by the craftsmen affiliated with the ocarina demons, inspecting each member and making sure they work where they are best at and are the most useful to the cult. It is important to mention that the ocarina demons may seem like an small underground cult..but that could not be further from the truth. These demons have arms everywhere, informants, spies, workers, infiltrations all over Japan and even an infiltrator in the all too well known swordsmith village who supplies them with nichirin on an daily basis, these demons are so incredibly good at what they are doing that even finding out they are an demon in the first place is almost IMPOSSIBLE. As stated in the first paragraph of this wiki Ocarina demons are not strong, barely any of them are even strong enough to be in possession of an blood demon art and their bodies have at least half the strength of an muzan made demon making them more similar to an regular human than anything…but that is not to be underestimates. Once receiving the blood of Kami ocarina demons will further loose the strength they had before, instead gaining extreme other factors such as extreme intelligence, stability, and knowledge of the environment around them. The ability to devour and absorb certain natural materials such as herbs and animal fur, developing immunities towards poison when regularly ingested and using the resources nature gives to the fullest such as getting extreme temporary buffs from herb balls. Of course only because they have gained all of these abilities doesn’t mean that they suddenly know how to use them…extensive and hard training is the only result of getting terrifying yet elegant and disciplined Ocarina demons.

This leads us to their uniforms which every Ocarina demon is required to wear for multiple reasons, as you can see by Regikis artwork below the main part of an Ocarina demons uniform is an massive metallic round hat which is so incredibly large that it easily covers up their entire body along with an long veil which is tied together at the back creating an mysterious yet practical defense against bullets and other small fast traveling projectiles. The hats are heavy and almost entirely made out of Nichirin making them impossible to break by the hand of demons or demon slayers and at the same time making the hats dangerous weapons when someone is not careful when fighting an ocarina demon in close combat. Not only are the hats important for recognition and combat but they are also used for one MAJOR thing, that being the roaming during daytime. Yes you heard right, ocarina demons are not exclusive nighttime wanderers like muzan demons as the shadow of their nichirin hats is so dark and protected that they have no problem walking during the day despite it being an higher risk of being spotted making Ocarina demons all the more scary to face as the sun is an entity they do not fear as long as they wear their uniform. To determine what rank an ocarina demon is, for example Regikis veil has one golden tie tying the two veils together at the back showing that he is currently the middle rank. If an veil is tied together at the bottom with two silver rings then the ocarina demon is one of the lowest three ranks, if the veil is tied together with one golden ring at the middle then the demon is one of the three middle ranks, if the veil is tied together by one golden ring at the top and one golden ring at the bottom then the demon is considered of high rank and when the veil is braided together with three golden rings then the demon is considered to be direct preachers of Kami and therefore the highest rank beneath the leader himself. Together with their hats and veils ocarina demons wear an short over the shoulders poncho with personalized symbols and color, these ponchos often have more objects sown into them such as certain herbs or even musical objects such as the strings of an violin or the leather of drums allowing the Ocarina demon who bears such items to play more instruments together with their mask to create an completely unique theme for themselves and fool both humans and demons alike that there is an spirit nearby instead of another demon. These custom melodies are also commonly used for rituals within the cult such as the consumption of the wisteria tea which is commonly done in large groups in front of their leader who drinks the tea as well showing that he is with them at every point of the day. Underneath the poncho these demons usually wear an skin tight turtleneck shirt in the color black or white and long traditional Japanese pants in an dark grayish color.

 Often these pants have patterns with fitting colors sewed into them to convey a certain authority of an Ocarina demon and often particularly wild members of the cult are given pelts of certain animals to put under the abdominal belt as a sort of identification that a certain demon is wilder than the others. And of course the most important part about the uniform of an ocarina demon: their masks. Each and every mask is carefully crafted out of wood and painted with naturally won resources to make the connection between an ocarina demon and nature around them stronger, for example Regiki has the yokai mask based on a Goat. Reason for this is because not only is an extremely important part of his story the fact that he was raised by an goat, but also because of the fact that his scent is the one of an goat and his personality is tightly mended with the one of an stubborn territorial yet loyal goat, this brough the factor of an Goat into his for the long sharp horns, vivid eyes and sharp predatory teeth of the goat come from the fact that he was once living in an heavily abusive household twisting his mind permanently into something that can no longer be reversed, thus creation the vivid goat yokai mask. And this counts for every other member of the Ocarina demons, their past, present and personality plays together to create a mask which represents them as a traditional Japanese Yokai aka a true demon. In every single mask of these demons carefully crafted holes are drilled in in a specific pattern. If wind blows through these holes a melody starts to play similar to the sound of an ocarina though depicted solely to the demon bearing the strange mask, Regikis mask for example plays a playful song, one that shows his stubborn yet playful and inpatient behavior. These songs can be heard over many many miles if the wind is just right allowing the communication between two cult members who aren’t even remotely near one another. Depending on the sound and volume of the song the recipient can tell the whereabout of the other member, the status, rank, distance and identity of the other. However, for anyone who isn’t apart of the cult it just sounds like an melody playing through the forest, perhaps strange birds chirping when in reality its an effective way of communication while keeping themselves an mystery. Same goes for the variety of weapons an Ocarina demon can bear which are all decorated with carefully crafted holes as well (see Regikis double edged scythe)

Moving on to the overall behavior of the cult. Now it is important to mention that Ocarina demons are neither good nor evil. They do not seek to destroy humanity nor do they seek to fight with the muzan demons, they follow their own goal in this cruel world which is the clear the name of the demons which were stained by the rulership of terror reigned by Muzan. That doesn’t mean that they feel particularly fond of humans, of course they won’t harm them or actively devour them but if a human were to attack an ocarina demon they will fight back. Though it is highly frowned upon to devour a human as their flesh is seen as dirty and unholy, not yet blessed with the gift of demon blood which means that Ocarina demons are more likely to devour an muzan created demon than they are likely to devour a human or demon slayer. Despite them leading an active hatred towards muzan and his demons they refrain from attacking or interfering with the demon slayers unless they see that the slayer is failing and the demon they are fighting is someone who is an possible threat to their organization meaning Ocarina demons will make temporary alliances with demon slayers in order to get a job done before parting ways again as the ocarina demons are aware of the oath the slayers have to put down. Every demon shall be slain no matter if friend or foe and those who break the truce shall pay the price, the ocarina demons respect the demon slayers so much that they respect their oath as well and flee the scene before the slayer could even recognize what’s going on. These brief alliances however are so incredibly rare that the only ones who ever witnessed them have decided to keep to themselves, believing that it is better that the ocarina demons stay hidden from the human eye to protect both the ocarinas and the humans. Despite popular belief that Ocarina demons move in groups that is quite wrong as ocarina demons are often sent on long missions to infiltrate the human society and recruit further members for their cult, the only times an ocarina demon is together with another ocarina is when it’s a particularly troublesome youngling who is in the company of a mentor. Though that doesn’t mean they never see each other, on a few nights all Ocarina demons gather back to their headquarters and wander through the forests and villages in the late hours of the night, the herbalists among them spreading drugged gas to keep the humans and demons alike asleep, huge groups of Ocarina demons casting beautiful rituals towards their leader and the gods above…the few souls who witnessed this said that it was the most beautiful thing their mortal eyes have witnessed. The entire forest and villages lit up by an incredible amount of fireflies, the ocarina demons in their beautiful uniforms..their veils dancing the wind..the sounds their masks produced in was like an incredibly beautiful dream..

(more info to be added)

-information about his bg-

Regiki as mentioned above a few times didn’t exactly have..the nicest background story. But also not an complete sob story like other characters from demon slayer, sure he had his bad parts but he also had his great parts! Despite the bad parts having left him…quite different than he would’ve been..but anyways here we go:

Regiki grew up in an rather small household which had already been affiliated with the demon slayers, since his mother always had fertility issues Regiki was pretty much the only thing she managed to create and she was happy with him since he seemed to have gained his sense of righteousness directly from her. His father however, wasn’t that merciful. Their family needed more than one child, more than one child to keep their blood in this world and this frustrated the man so much that he would gain an drinking habit and develop more abusive tendencies towards both his wife and his only son. Luckily for the both of them however their father was a demon low ranking one but nonetheless a slayer and therefore was often gone days at a time leaving him and his mother alone which left them enough time away from his abuse, yet fearing whenever the mission was complete and he’d return home putting an extreme time pressure on both Regiki and his mother. They spent their time out with the goats, since regiki was incredibly young back then she would introduce him to one of her most Loyal goats PochiPochi who had been with her for many many years and even defended her from her husband whenever the abuse happened outside. Regiki would immediately grow fond of the fluffy goat and find comfort in her, whenever his father would be home and once more go at his mother he would flee outside and hide in PochiPochis fur until the yelling and beating had ceased. PochiPochi even seemed to defend the boy from other goats who were a little too curious for their own good and in exchange Regiki would brush out her fur and shed the itchy fur which wouldn’t come night however after an particularly nasty fight between his mom and dad he could hear his father slam the door shut and leave towards the village while his mother stormed out towards him, rope in hand and teary stained face. He doesn’t remember what she had said, only how pretty her hair looked with the snowflakes falling from the sky. She had grabbed him gently and tied the rope around his wrist, PochiPochi of course stormed over to see what was up where his mom just smiled sadly and tied the rope around her neck, knotting it loosely. She attached an sigil to the rope around the goats neck and whispered to her something which made the fluffy thing perk up as if knowing what to do. He remembers his mom giving him one last kiss on the forehead before telling PochiPochi to run and save her son causing the goat to immediately start running off into the forest. Regiki didn’t understand, he just cried silently and looked back seeing his mom stand in the shine of the lantern, tears streaming down her face..thats the last time he had seen her..

PochiPochi and Regiki had traveled for many years together, PochiPochi had lead him to edible fruits and plants when he was hungry, led him to rivers and wells when he was thirsty and brought him to shelter when it was snowing or storming. Never once did Regiki remove the rope, not even when he grew bigger and stronger showing just how tight he had become with his little goat partner, she taught him how to survive, how to find shelter, how to hide from predators and how to live together with nature instead of living against nature. The older Regiki got the more he learned, as appreciation for his goat friend he would make small instruments out of leaves and play to her when they settled down for the night or walked during a particularly peaceful day. When they visited villages for shelter Regiki would sit down on bridges and start shedding fur off of PochiPochi which she always enjoyed, out o the shedded fur he would make scarves and plushies which caught the attention of the townsfolk. They loved the soft scarves and adorable plushies of his goat, paying him quite a lot for his had work. The gifts he got from the villagers always directly went to PochiPochi be it snacks or even clothes just to make his friend happy. It hadn’t taken long as the more Regiki traveled the more attention he and PochiPochi got, soon becoming a sensation around the entire area! It got so far that he and PochiPochi were invited into the slayer estate for physical therapy on injured and traumatized slayers, he only ever stayed a few days however..Despite his tragic past Regiki had still found happiness..he didn’t need a big house…or much yen..he just needed PochiPochi. She made him happy.

Fates turned however as Regiki fell victim to an demon attack on his way to another village during the night, the sigil that PochiPochi wore together with the herbs it bore seemed to scare the demon off relatively quick however not before the wretched beast could get a good hit on Regiki, causing its blood to mix together with the boys blood and trigger the transformation into an demon. Despite the fact that he was now an man eating monster PochiPochi remained by his side, helping him find new food and shelter for the day, even changing up her sleeping schedule so that they could travel at night and move by day…thanks to the goat always keeping him fed with animal flesh the boy never had a reason to go after humans despite his instincts being overwhelmingly loud. This went on for a few years more, the area suffered quite a bit at the loss of the boy with the goat, missing his mischief and laughter and the slayers at the estate missed him and his leaf instruments and the fluffy fur of the goat…believing that he had been devoured by an demon as one of his pouches of PochiPochis fur was found on the trail to the village. What Regiki didn’t know however was the fact that he had been watched ever since he became a demon…however while he ceased to age the moment he became a demon..PochiPochi didn’t. She kept aging..and becoming older and older until one night she couldn’t keep herself on her hooves anymore and collapsed upon the snowy ground. Regiki in his sadness and grief held her close, not noticing when another presence entered his was an strangely clothed man with an yokai mask, holding his hand out to him saying there was a chance to save PochiPochi if he joined their cult. Doing anything to save his dear friend Regiki agreed and took the blood from the other demon which triggered another painful transformation, in desperation and hope he devoured his friend shortly afterwards hoping she would be reborn as his demon blood art…and that is how we landed here today…the ocarina demon and his goat.

-more detailed information- OPTIONAL


Now as I mentioned before Regiki is an special case where an ocarina demon actually obtained an blood demon art based on the first thing they had devoured upon undergoing the what exactly is it? Well as a little background Regiki had to flee from his home at an incredibly young age as his father was known to be abusive towards him and his mother, the only way the small family could provide for themselves was to breed serow goats and sell their milk, fur and meat. These goats were experts in survival and always found way to water, food and shelter which was the reason why as a way to escape his mother tied Regikis hand to a rope which was wrapped around the neck of an young goat called PochiPochi and sent them off into the snowy night, giving the goat an emblem of their house and ordering her to take care of Regiki which the young goat fulfilled. During the transformation Regiki had devoured his dear goat in hopes to immortalize her together with him as a blood demon art, whatever gods up there seemed to have mercy on his demonic soul and manifested PochiPochi as a blood demon art for the young ocarina demon. Now to the actual blood demon art, Regiki is able to summon his dear PochiPochi by taking off his mask and throwing it into the air. Using the wooden leaf instruments gifted to him by his mentor he will start to play certain melodies which activate his blood demon art and summon the massive goat spirit into his mask, despite being broad and muscular in appearance the goat spirit holds unbelievable speed and durability which not even hashiras seem to be able to keep up with, not even mentioning the fact that this goat spirit can climb any mountain with absolute ease and crosses rivers without any fear. Her loyalty to Regiki is beyond comprehension, no blade or rope shall separate them, no river shall cross them and no curse shall break them. On her back is an old high sitting saddle with carefully crafted demonic insignias, this serves as a riding saddle for Regiki as while the young demon is incredibly talented in the art of healing, fighting and reading he lacks in the area of durability and long distance traveling which PochiPochi supports him in. Depending on the melody Regiki plays PochiPochi will react differently, if he plays a calm and smooth song the goat spirit will behave relaxed, calm and mostly defensive. If Regiki however starts to play a quick and aggressive song on his leaf instrument the spirit will start behaving differently, becoming an offensive attacker, trampling its enemies, using its entire body to fight those who dare point their blades at Regiki. And that is also one of the biggest flaw of the goat spirit ability, PochiPochi is so incredibly loyal towards her master that she often completely disregards her own life and disobeys him when he tells her to flee, still heeding the last task that she was given from his mother. No matter what happens, PochiPochi will protect Regiki even if it costs her her own life. Aside from the furious goat spirit Regiki also has many weapons which are traditional to the Ocarina demons, for example the herbs which hang down from his hat are more effective demon repellants, their sickly sweet smell causing an feeling of nausea within muzan driven demons causing them to flee the scene unknowing what causes this stench, the drawback to these herbs is that they naturally attract a lot of fireflies making stealth an quite hard thing to accomplish for Regiki. Since he remains an physically weak demon he also grows certain herbs at the headquarters which buff his physical attributes for an short amount of time, pressing them into the shape of herb balls, of course they taste disgusting to him as well and he almost barfs every time he has to eat one but its definitely worth it if your strength, speed, sight and hearing gets extremely buffed thanks to the plants, though he cannot consume too much of these herbs without an digestive pause in between unless he wants to become physically ill and bedridden for a while until the drugs left his system. And last but not least Regiki carries a traditional double edged scythe with him, not only is this an extremely elegant and hard to wield weapon but it also requires a lot of patience to master. The reason he was given this weapon was because his mentor wanted to teach the energy bundle the art of patience and discipline..which Regiki most certainly needs let me tell you..


Ohhhh boy, possibly one of the main factors why the brat isn’t yet one of the highest-ranking Ocarina demons, his personality. Now don’t get me wrong he isn’t some snotty stuck up ass and no one likes’s quite the opposite actually. Regiki has huge respect for his higher ups and for the cult of the ocarina demons, however just like the partner which has accompanied him his entire life he is..stubborn. Hardheaded, loud as well and most importantly danger isn’t a thing known in his vocabulary. Let’s not forget his mischief and tendency to mess with people when they don’t understand something just to have a little laugh about it. He has proven to his mentor that he is very talented in the art of weaponry, handling the katana and longsword with ease and even bragging about his skills slightly, well he did receive an bonk to the head for that and was told to humble himself before he was handed an exclusive Ocarina demon weapon..the double sided scythe. One of the hardest weapons to master even for the higher ups due to its strange balancing but incredibly elegant style of wielding, effectiveness in cutting and thrusting and the ability to counter almost every weapon it is to face against. And believe me when I tell you that Regiki STRUGGLED with this weapon, he just didn’t have the patience for it! It always failed no matter what he did and he whacked himself over the head with it multiple times much to his mentors amusement. However it did teach the young demon more about patience despite him still not having mastered it, still getting frustrated with his weapon but when he truly gets pissed off with it PochiPochi is always there as an pillar for the young boy. While Regiki often appears immature and quick to act before thinking, hell even playful by the way he plays with his enemies before either fleeing or striking, it is not to be assumed that the boy is of lower intelligence, as assuming that would bring you and quick yet painless end. He observes while fighting, the fact that his eyes are hidden behind an oni mask giving him all the time in the world to observe your movements, perhaps weakened limbs, strategy and attack style, adapting to it in mere seconds. His observing behavior is part of the reason why the male is so scary to face in a fight as he quite literally tricks you into thinking that he storms planless into a fight while in reality knowing exactly what he is doing and how he is doing it. While ocarina demons generally void battle and try to steer into the fleeing direction when they have to fight they are incredibly scary opponents to fight and Regiki is no exception to that, especially because of the fact that he does have an blood demon art. Not an strong one to say the least but one, if ignored, can cause some serious difficulty and inconvenience during a fight. Regikis mentor has theorized that the reason the young male has such severe problems with patience and discipline, partly because of the fact that he was raised by an goat, but also partly because of his abusive household where he couldn’t physically have patience as his peaceful time was timed by the time his father left the house to the point of his return. Talking about the goat, since Regiki was raised by the little fluffy goat PochiPochi he was bound to adapt some behavior from her such as having 0 sense for personal space, being overly extroverted and of course being a master at finding certain plants, rivers and villages…he also heavily smells like goat at all times but that’s something he cannot get rid off. Believe me his mentor scrubbed him off for hours and it was still there, sime things simply cannot be gotten rid off huh? Despite often threatening humans and demons alike that he would eat them upon meeting Regiki actually holds no desire to even put anything human near his mouth even finding the thought of it rather gross, after all just like the other Ocarina demons Regiki is under the constant influence of the Wysteria poison which nullifies the effect of the cursed hunger, however this quite aggressive reaction is the result of Regiki being unable to deal with his own emotions often resulting in mild aggressive or frustrated outbreaks which are resolved by an simple bonk on his head by his dear mentor. All in all Regiki is an lovable doofus who tries his best to better himself but often falls back into old tendencies, his massive buff support goat is always there during trying times to comfort him and cause mass destruction the moment someone threatens the demon boy…ahhh such an beautiful messed up family.