


6 years, 2 months ago


Name: Misandre
Age: Unknown (roughly lost count around 11,000 years)
Gender: Female
Height: 7'4''
Class/Spec: Discipline Priestess (Night Warrior)

Bio: Despite living such a long life, little is truly known about Misandre, outside of knowing that she has been alive since before the destruction of the Well of Eternity. She spent thousands of years in isolation, only reemerging to join Kaldorei society within the last millennium. Even then, she continued to keep to herself, occasionally appearing to help her people in times of conflict, however only if absolutely necessary. 

On the outside, Misandre appears somewhat unassuming. She has aged miraculously well even despite the Kaldorei losing their immortality, and she is content showing it, typically wearing form-fitting robes or more scant ensembles accented by flowing skirts or cloaks. There is always an air of mystery around the old woman thanks to how much of her face is often hidden--typically beneath a hood and further concealed by a band around her eyes. If asked, Misandre would explain that the band is there to cover her eyes, which lost their site years ago. 

Few still living know that that is not the case, however. In reality, Misandre can see perfectly well, and only hides her eyes because of their appearance. Once bright, silvery orbs have darkened to a near-black, seemingly speckled with flecks of blue, imitating the sky on the darkest of nights. Few would recognize the significance of her eyes, at least until very recently.

Though even fewer remain that knew the priestess in her youth, Misandre was once a lesser avatar of Elune's wrath, acting as one of her Night Warriors. Her role was once to guide the souls of fallen Kaldorei to the afterlife, to protect them from any torment they would otherwise experience if somehow afflicted with undeath. She learned to draw her power from the 'dark side' of the moon, commanding shadows as well as light to smite her foes and protect her allies.

She has kept her talents a secret for thousands of years, only making herself known with the resurgence of the Night Warriors under Tyrande's leadership.