Forest's Comments

aaa I love this dude- would offer money if I could! I do have da point tho, If u take those

Maybe... anyone from my th, art, and maybe da points as an add on (ignore the nft tags)

Ooo he is so cute! Maybe someone of my th interests you? (Off limits: Babys, fursonas, mascosts and my snailtail hmm)
I can offer art tho, maybe 3 fullbodys pocket chibi and 2 pixel icons? 

hiya!! sorry for the late response, would you be up for trading

Im still attached to her,,, there was no one you liked, just this one? ;;;

oo i liked more but the others i liked were in the off limits folders, im sorry!! :< i think that one was the only one outside of those id trade for, but i understand if youre still attached! thank you anyway !!

Its okay! Ty for responding anyway aa

wubcdnuenfjnefwufb crying this man is so goddamn adorable can i offer 4 fullbodies and/or 2 ocs from my (can be any) thanks for reading!!