


6 years, 3 months ago



Called 9 Lived Bastard
Saviour of Geronimo
Age 4
Gender Male
Race Feline
Health Status Alive
Occupation Pirate
Thief (former)
Affiliation The Broken
Birthplace Fe-9
Current Residence The Paradox

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"We always assumed our 9 lives to be a curse, but it looks like it's been a blessing."

Lucien is the Spy of the pirate crew, The Broken. He is the older brother of Lucius.


Lucien is a 10 inches/25cm tall (on all fours) black cat with a white striped tail that has a white tip and an "X" fur mark on his forehead as well as orange eyes.


Having only his brother for most of his life, he's antisocial and snide as well as lazy but can be good company (if he likes you enough and is in the mood). Like his brother, he too has a bit of a devil-may-care attitude like the majority of his crewmates however his is to less of an extent than his brother's.



Self-Resurrection: he was "cursed" with 9 lives so if he dies his heart will restart.

Telepathy: after going to a different sorcerer, he and Lucius gained the ability to connect one another's minds - only to the extent of being able to see what the other can, which is shown when one of their eyes swap colours with the other's.


Thievery: in order to stay alive after their parents died, he and Lucius would resort to thievery - which they became very skilled at.


Lucien lost his parents at 3 years old, so he and his brother Lucius had to travel from place-to-place in order to get any food and shelter. One day, they snuck into an old cabin and were spotted by the owner, an exiled sorcerer who cursed the two with having 9 lives, resulting in their "X" fur marks. They later went to find a sorcerer who could remove it however they were unable to and instead made them able to see what one another sees via a sort of telepathy.



Adamadih Etos

After learning about how Adamadih and Dana grew up alone for a while, Lucien could relate to and came to respect him. Whilst he does end up getting caught up in things he'd rather not have to deal with, Lucien is grateful to his captain for allowing him a place he could call home and to a crew he could practically call family.

Robyn Etos

At first, he merely thought of her as simply a woman who loved Adamadih, but learnt that the two have such a strong bond that he came to respect her for how far she would go for her captain.


Upon first meeting, he didn't think much of him, assuming he would simply be a brat that would get on his nerves (which he would occasionally do during the early years of The Broken) but he grew to like him and the two now get on well.


The two would butt heads sometimes during the early years of The Broken but the two have since grown to respect one another and now get on well.


With Mih being a Werewolf (dogs coming from wolves) the two would find one another to be annoying but came to like and respect one another, to the point that nowadays two will work together when the crew have to split up into smaller groups.

Clairviyante Angelo

When they met, he thought of her to be a klutz and annoying but nowadays the two get on well.

Eriza Diablo

From their first encounters, he figured her to be a loud, obnoxious and violent person - which he will somewhat agree with to this day - but having got to know her he came to respect her and now the two get on well.


Being the older brother, he looked out for Lucius and would (and has) willingly put his life on the line for him. The two usually don't even need to use their telepathy to tell what the other is thinking as they had been alone together ever since their parents died.

Christina Turner

Being both antisocial, the two get on well in an antisocial kind of way.



He could relate to the man as they both lost family as well as his desire for revenge. During the times they encountered one another, they were often very civil.

After he had passed away, it can be assumed that he gained some respect for him due to his choice to give all his strength to Paradox.

Dana Etos

Whilst they haven't been shown to interact much, he finds her to be a kind, caring and brave woman. He can certainly see her as Adamadih's cousin.

Alvis Vivek-Cato

It can be assumed that he is grateful to Alvis as it was him who trained him for 7 years and got him to the point he's at when it comes to his fighting ability.


Whilst they haven't been shown to interact much, he finds her to be a kind and caring woman.


The two seem to get on well.


The two seem to get on well.


The two seem to get on well.


The two seem to get on well.

Spike Achilles

He enjoys Spike's music and has grown used to keeping his distance from Spike due to his allergies. The two seem to get on well.

Tony Martin

He enjoys Tony's music and the two seem to get on well.


He enjoys her music but finds her almost-always bubbly personality to be tiring to be around, despite this, the two seem to get on well.


The two haven't been shown to interact much.


He finds her to be a charming young woman, though her bubbly personality can make him feel tired to be around.



They haven't been seen interacting often but he still has a grudge against him, since it was through his actions that Alvis lost his arm, both he and Lucius died once and Christina sacrificed herself.


They haven't been seen interacting but he still has a grudge against him for betraying Adamadih and the other Councillors.

The 7 Sins

He, like many other people, dislike the Sins due to how they take control of their victims. He has never shown to consider the thought of summoning his own, however he might just do so in a drastic situation.


He holds a grudge against him due to the damage and harm he had caused, to both innocent people and those he cares about and because he lost 2 more of his lives during the fight against him.


  • "We always assumed our 9 lives to be a curse, but it looks like it's been a blessing."


  • Lucien has used up 3 of his 9 lives, the first during The Second Heavenly War and the second and third during The Summoner's War.
  • His favourite colour is the colour of rosé wine.

Profile by Erandia