Buck Carson



6 years, 1 month ago


Buck Carson

Tales from the Loop

  • Name Buck (Buchanan) Carson
  • Age 12
  • Height 4'9"
  • Grade Level 7th grader
  • Sexuality cowBOYs
  • Personality

    Pretty easygoing and kind-hearted. A little loud and bossy though...

    A smidge violent.
  • Appearance

    Buck Carson is The Hick. He's usually seen in earthy tones and cowboy gear.

  • Likes list of likes
  • Dislikes list of dislikes
  • Backstory

    Buck is from Texas and recently moved to the suburbs of Boulder City with his family. He hates it, his lifelong dreams of being a cowboy are a bit mangled...

    Now he spends time playing cops and robbers with anyone who'll spend time with him. And tries to sneak his BB gun into class.

  • Zoya Kuznetzov Relationship

    Clever, Heroic and very STRONG. She'd make a great Cowboy!

  • Dannon Schultz Relationship

    He thinks Dannon's really cool and smart!

  • Sidney Scott Relationship

    Respects, Protects and Reps Sidney. That's his emotional support dumbass.

  • Does he have a cowboy hat???

    Yes! But I don't usually draw him that way.

  • How good a shot is he?

    SOOO much better with his B.B. Gun than a standard one, but pretty good anyway.

  • Trivia
    • ● He's the only kid in Boulder City who respects Officer Leopold.
    • ● Buck is aggressively farsighted. He can things in the distance clearly, but can't read things up close well.
    • ● He does have glasses, but doesn't wear them. Claims it's not that bad.
    • ● He won a bear at the carnival and named it Captain. It's brown with darker stars on it.
    • ● Buck's B.B. gun is based on an old 80's Zebra Super Shot pistol.
    • ● His grandpa is an actual cowboy and Buck worked on his farm during the summers back in Texas.

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