


6 years, 3 months ago



Most of her host's kind had died out after an attack by  foreigners on her small island home. She survives more than a hundred  years after fleeing her home and coming into contact with the Spores.  She enjoys traveling when the weather is agreeable - that is, cold,  damp, and dark. She doesn't view her condition entirely as a curse,  though it upsets her that she cannot share the things she's learn over  the years with uninfected populations..

About sporespurn:

The  sporespurn are a peculiure kind of undead creature. It is sometimes  debated if the nature of a sporespurn mushrooms are a parasite or  symbiotic. The effects of the fungus taking hold of a  host are clearly unpleasent. Yet the fungus extends the lifetime of a  host far beyond the norm. Some recorded to be several centeries old. 

The  host's entire organ system becomes intertwined with the fungus' mycelia  and their appearence slowly changes in disturbing ways. The host  retains their memories and may retain their free will and most of their  personality. The fungus can change the hosts mood, and often causes  feelings of fatigue, depression, and difficulty focusing during"dormant"  seasons to keep the host sheltering in the dark. Overpowering  lonelyness may be used to persuade the host to infect others during the  fall spore season. - hosts may be able to overpower this to control  their own destiny, but others will allow themselves to go feral and  simply do as the mushroom wills them to.


faunium varient - Dogsneeze