Buttercup Fields



1 year, 5 months ago


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Buttercup Fields

Buttercup Fields
25 years
147cm / 4ft 10 inch
Female (She / her)
Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
Warrior of Light

Design Notes

Strawberry blonde/ginger hair, green eyes with slitted pupils, extremely freckly, and the bushiest, most expressive tail of all time. Almost always wears her long hair in twin braids. Makeup is often light pink eyeshadow on outer third with yellow eyeshadow on the inner corner, and pink glossed lips.

A fan of cuter clothing, but is just as likely to wear heavy, plated armor. Still most likely to wear blue, yellow, orange, pink, or white regardless of the attire.

Female Miqo'te voice 1. Giggly, soft, gentle voiced. Resting smiley face. Sometimes hard to take her seriously when mad, unfortunately.



Ocean Fishing






Cold weather

Garlean Architecture


Greatest Strength

Flexibility and persistence in trying new things. If there's a slot to be filled, in a sense, she will determinedly strive to fill it. Perfection may not be attainable but proficiency is. But also: love. Love is the greatest strength of all. She can't help it, she loves so much. Everyone, everything.

Greatest Weakness

Hesitation. In so many situations she has hesitated instead of making the hard call. She doesn't want to be the one to make that call, she can't do it. Sometimes people suffer because she hesitates, even if she does eventually make the "right" decision. And she'll give a million chances, almost no matter what someone's done. You could stab her in the back and she'll still try to help you.

Lv. 54 White Mage
Main Class
Seeker of the Sun
Neutral Good

Favorite Jobs

White Mage (54), Bard (30), Fisher (37),

Other Jobs

Rogue (11), Arcanist (6), Red Mage (50)

To Be Acquired

(so many but. really want AST, DNC, DRK)

Positive Traits

Responsible, Kind, Passionate, Affectionate, Nurturing, Humble, Dutiful

Neutral Traits

Determined, Dreamy, Playful, Soft, Honest

Negative Traits

Naive, Gullible, Fanatical, Indecisive, Materialistic

Open book
Gentle, loving

Others' Perception


Lights up a room, can always be relied on to get the job done, will do whatever it takes to make you smile again. Easy to fall in love with, honestly.


Cute, expressive young woman who is quick to help solve even the smallest of problems. People are often confused by her enthusiasm, but appreciative nonetheless. She's very gentle and touchy, which makes many folks feel at ease and a little smitten.


Obnoxiously persistent, and in first encounters: not even a threat. Easy to emotionally manipulate. Killing people she loves is easier than killing her, possibly has a similar effect so is possibly the correct move.


To dream the impossible dream

Born to a decently sized tribe on the fringes of Gyr Abania, Buttercup was a pleasantly happy child, despite the rumblings of major upheaval on the horizon. Passed from adult to adult due to the communal upbringing of all the children, she struggled to find her footing as she attempted to please a large swath of people, but she did eventually come to find a father figure in one man, B'yhubuh Tia (pronounced bee-YOU-buh, but she struggled as always called him Bubba).

When the tribe was forced to abruptly move even further from where they began, due to Garlean takeover of the area, most adults attempted to shield the hardships from the children. Buttercup did not fully grasp what was occurring around her, but she could, at the very least, sense that she was needed in some capacity, and took it upon herself to at least cheer the adults up.

Thus began a lifetime of finding joy in others' smiles, no matter how dark and suffocating the world seemed.

She loved "collecting" small animals and bugs, having B'yhubuh teach her to read, trying to "play" instruments, and braiding her friends' hair in increasingly complicated patterns. She always smiled. Always.

To write the unwritable wrong  

As realization of what the world was becoming had begun to dawn upon her, Buttercup graduated each year of her life further steeling her resolve to simply make things better. Should someone have need of literally anything, she would be first to volunteer for the task. For sewing and darning, for fishing, for scouting -- if it were reasonably within her abilities, she would do it. If not, she would set aside the time to learn and make up for the gaps in her education.

In the meantime, the Nunh of the tribe had appointed himself leader when the former had passed away after sustaining injuries in battle. Things became different, more difficult, but oddly only B'yhubuh appeared to chafe against the changes. There was more paranoia amongst the Miqo'te from outsiders and losing all that they had, and relationships with anyone outside of the tribe grew strained, leaving resources drained and the people more so. Yet all were fine with their lot, because what little they had, at least no one else could take.

Buttercup could not be the panacea to every ail, but this did not stop her from trying.

She thrived amongst her circle of friends, a soothing presence to those she surrounded herself with. As she was pulled every which way with doing things for the tribe, it bothered her to no end that she wasn't strong enough. There was a small, adolescent war in her mind about how to look, how to act, how to appeal to others. She tried to do the things that made her happy with herself, taming her hair the way she liked it, performing the beauty routines because she wanted to, not because others might like her more if she did them.


To bear the unbearable sorrow

Dalamud was falling.

Her tribe wanted nothing to do with it, because "the lean months" had become every month, and all bodies were needed to farm the desert for what it could give and defend the land they were so protective over. But there would be no land once the moon fell, especially if the Garleans won at Carteneau.

Buttercup left, promising to return. She knew how to mend, how to heal. It had to be enough.
For some reason, she doesn't remember too much of her time on the battlefield. The memory of the first life she took remained, but there was no recollection of the people she met, the bonds she forged. When the moon opened to reveal a terrible creature and the world was bathed in light, she remembers opening her eyes and seeing her legs carrying her home. There wasn't much more to say than that.

B'yhubuh wanted to separate from the tribe. Buttercup was the only one to come with him.

They desperately tried to start anew in the forests around Gridania, but two people does not make a tribe. Growing sick with stress and fear he was squandering his daughter's potential, B'yhubuh insisted Buttercup go to New Gridania proper, become an adventurer, make a name and a life for herself. Her connection with the elementals for healing, at the very least, was something special, not to mention her ability to adapt to any job she got her hands on.

"Promise me you'll live a full life, little cat. Tell me your stories, put me at peace."

Somehow, they both knew they'd never see each other again.

To ride where the brave did not go  

Thus far:

Buttercup has joined the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, heralded as their Warrior of Light. She's aligned with the Order of the Twin Adder, fiercely loyal to Gridania for accepting her as much as it could. She has defeated Gaius van Baelsar, landing a blow to the Garlean Empire, and stopped the Ultima Weapon.

(A Realm Reborn has been completed, in the middle of the patch quests before Heavensward!)


For my own fun, self-indulgent sake, Buttercup has a whole damn polycule. This is because I love way too many characters in this game and because I don't want to make an alt for every single romance, so now Buttercup is kissing everyone. Details are subject to change as the story progresses and new relationships are due to be added.

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