Christina Turner



6 years, 3 months ago


Christina Turner

Christina Turner
Taboo Turner
Crazy Lady
Saviour of Geronimo
Age 25
Gender Female
Race Human
Health Status Alive
Occupation Pirate
Scientist at SERN (former)
Affiliation The Broken
SERN (former)
Birthplace Earth
Current Residence The Paradox

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"Even a woman of science sometimes has to consider the seemingly improbable."

Christina, often called Doc by her crewmates, is one of the two Doctors and Scholars of the pirate crew, The Broken


Christina is a somewhat tall, busty and pale woman, standing at 5ft 6 (5ft 5 before 7 year timeskip) with messy purple hair and eyes. She also has a beauty mark on her chin, a large burn mark on her torso and prosthetic hands and right eye. Her eyes are often only half open due to so much time in front of a screen.

Her typical attire is a red blouse and skirt, a black garterbelt and black high heels or purple slip-on slippers. She's often seen with coffee and/or cigarettes nearby as well as wearing red lipstick.


Having passed education with flying colours, she's a very smart woman as well as a workoholic. She's known for messing around when she's bored or not interested in a job, but will become serious when she needs to be. She enjoys her work so much, she became very antisocial and lazy to the point where doesn't often leave the ship. She can experience periods of high libido as during her death and revival, her hormones "went out of whack" and so she tries to satisfy her urges as well as possible (though ironically it also resulted in her becoming infertile).

She's also known for having a bit of a darker and gloomier side, as she has a philosophical viewpoint that's a mix of existentialism, humanism, nihilism and more (she still has a bit of rationalism but after everything that has happened to her, it's not as prominent).



Bionic Physiology: having prosthetic hands and right eye, she can achieve some feats beyond that of a normal human.


Intelligence: having been a scientist for CERN before meeting The Broken, she has a good knowledge on the topic. She has contuined to study a variety of sciences to the point she became the crew's best doctor. Along with knowledge in science, she also has a vast knowledge of technology and much more.

Music: during the 7 years The Broken spent training, she learnt how to play the violin so she and Mih could play together.

Sorcery: though she uses very little of it, she does have a very good amount of knowledge on the sorcery she has seen being used by Gods, Angels, Demons and the like.


Christina was born the granddaughter of Michael Turner, the man who proved teleportation to be possible. Inspired by her grandfather, she became interested in science and went through education with relative ease, she joined SERN and aimed to do her grandfather proud. When they finally created a machine they deemed capable of teleporting a person, she was chosen to go into the pod and make history. However, things didn't go according to plan and she ended up stuck somewhere in space (but was eventually found by The Broken and taken in).



Adamadih Etos

She's grateful to him as he is the one who let her join the crew and chose to investigate her pod. She seems to greatly respect him as a man who is willing to take risks, which - as a former scientist for SERN and being the one to go in the pod - she could relate to.

Robyn Etos

She seems to respect Robyn in the same way a person would respect a friend who's older than them.


She finds Paradox to be a charming young man who she will sometimes tease due to his innocent nature - though she will be more serious whenever he comes to her about sexual things due to her experience on the topic.

Mada Cymric

She finds him to be a loud but proud kind of man who sticks to his beliefs, which - as a former scientist for SERN - she can relate to. The two will sometimes openly discuss their sexual experiences.

Mih Hohenheim

Her bond with Mih is most likely the strongest bond she has with any of the crew as the two seem to be the smartest members of The Broken and thus work together when they research anything.

Clairviyante Angelo

She finds Clairiviyante to be a sweet young woman who she will sometimes tease due to her innocent nature.

Eriza Diablo

She finds her to be a loud but proud kind of woman who stick to her beliefs, which - as a former scientist for SERN - she can relate to (also why she wasn't surprised to find out Eriza and Mada were dating). The two will sometimes openly discuss their sexual experiences.


Being antisocial like her, she can relate to him well and doesn't mind how little he will talk.


Being antisocial like her, she can relate to him well and doesn't mind how little he will talk.


Dana Etos

Whilst they haven't been shown to interact much, she finds her to be a kind, caring and brave woman. She can certainly see her as Adamadih's cousin.

Alvis Vivek-Cato

It can be assumed that she is grateful to Alvis as it was him who gave her access to any libraries and records for 7 years and got her to the point she's at when it comes to her knowledge on Sorcery and more.


Whilst they haven't been shown to interact much, she finds her to be a kind and caring woman.


The two seem to get on well.


The two seem to get on well.


The two seem to get on well.


The two seem to get on well.

Spike Achilles

She enjoys Spike's music and always enjoys being served by him at The Bloody Rose.

Tony Martin

She enjoys Tony's music and always enjoys being served by him at the Bloody Rose.


She enjoys her music and finds her to be a very charming young woman and always seems to brighten the mood.


The two haven't been shown to interact much.


She finds her to be a charming young woman.


Whilst she could understand the man's desire for revenge, she still tried to convince him to not go through with it, but to no success. During the times they encountered one another, they were often very civil.

After he had passed away, it can be assumed that he gained some respect for him due to his choice to give all his strength to Paradox.



They haven't been seen interacting but she still has a grudge against him, since it was through his actions that Alvis lost his arm, Lucien and Lucius both died once and Christina sacrificed herself.


They haven't been seen interacting but she still has a grudge against him for betraying Adamadih and the other Councillors.

The 7 Sins

She, like many other people, dislike the Sins due to how they take control of their victims. She has never shown to consider the thought of summoning her own, however she might just do so in a drastic situation.


She dislikes him as it's because of him that she went through all the experimentations and lost her childhood, she would've also liked to settle the score with him after he put her in a coma.


  • "Even a woman of science sometimes has to consider the seemingly improbable."


  • She suffers from insomnia.
  • As a kid, she'd get her parents to sing her the periodic table song.
  • Her favourite colour is red (hence why she wears red lipstick often when she's going to have sex).
  • Her favourite sex positions for men are "Captain" and "Liana", whilst for women it's "Scissor" and "Espresso".
  • Unlike Mada and Riza, Christina smokes only cigarettes.
  • She has learnt a number of languages from both Earth and beyond.

Profile by Erandia