Moonlight Blaze's Comments

If this goober is cutie markless I have a PERFECT spot for him in my silly little world, hes gonna be friends with this asshole who makes fun of people with cutie marks and the fella on question eventually DOES get his cutie mark but he hides it away and prolly like, paints over it or something so that Resonance doesn't see and so they can still be friends, and if/when Resonance DOES find out, he prolly acts chill about it because he thinks this pony is cool, which shocks, hmmmm, his name will be Moonlight Blaze, yes. And maybe that starts to change Resonance's opinions on ponies with cutie marks, realizing that having or not having a cutie mark doesn't make you any less capable of being a good friend 🗣️❗ AND if you really like I have quite a few ponies although I am very tentative with a good chunk of them 🪨