kate ajhq



1 year, 6 months ago


kate...ajhq - she/her (??? female) - 38, 10/31 - 6'10"

unlike (UNSPECIFIED FORMER EMPLOYEES), katherine maryln ashlyn knife-pipebomb-chainsaw-longsword-grenade-guillotine ajhq, or preferably just KATE, is always top of the game! the bestest, perfectest, kindest, sweetest, friendliest, etc employee the world has ever seen. though MANY before her have thought to keep the peace in ways that are uncouth, disgusting, uncivilized, she's not one of THOSE savages. she knows what she's fuckin' doing, baby! everyone else just has trouble keeping up.... well, let them struggle! four arms is enough to carry whatever's needed.

of course, that speaks only of her fellow employees. the boss admires kate's resourcefulness and uncanny ability to do everything (SPECIFIC BUT UNSPECIFIED FORMER EMPLOYEE) failed to. and she doesn't even want to harm a hair on the heads of any of her fellow hardworking, considerate, wonderful ajhq employees!

kate tries her best to be as friendly and happy as possible. her aura of neverending joy borders on unnerving to others, and it seems to be the only emotion she SHOWS. she's just doing her job, jammer! her loyalty to doing her job and doing it right is what matters most, obviously. if she sees anyone out of line...well, she has the methods to fix 'em up. lest we forget she's far more capable and crafty than any of her other manager partners, current or otherwise. she keeps herself busy!

fun facts: she has more weedsmoking girlfriends than you could ever dream of having. she's proud to say she has never laid a hand on our lord and savior bigfoot (both in a violence and a sexual context). her beanie baby collection is massive and worth more than any furby collection known to man, she can attest to that! she likes little debbie devil cremes most of all. her favorite animal jam animal is the spooky snow leopard ^^

