-the characters im interested in are 1 and 3!

-faved the profile!

-joined the world!

-made a bulletin for the raffle! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1165685.lost-feathers-free-raffle-

-tagging friends! brashDestroyer dcoolettes cupidscowboy

-a fond memory is going out to kbbq with my friends for a birthday <3 we ate really good food!

aww that sounds nice! here are your tickets:







Congrats! You've won 3!

preference is 1 (i love they...)
I'm in the discord and for a fond memory, a few years back I visited the coast for the first time and it was very nice,,, i remember getting my shoes wet in the ocean and having to wear the sandals i brought for the rest of the trip because i couldnt remember for the life of me to put the shoes somewhere they could dry while on the trip. 

awwwww thats a nice memory. i LOVE the sea <3333 here's your tickets!




Congrats! You've won 1!

Preference 1 or 2

thank you for joining! here is your ticket number:


The person who won two did not accept the transfer in time, making you the runner up! Congrats!

Thank you ^^

Tysm for the free character!!! :O Stuff I did: Faved, joined world, Preference: 132. **Bonus Entries:** Joined discord and shared a fond memory(My fond memory would beeee debate camp! I made tons of new friends there, and while it was just for two weeks, it seemed like a whole lifetime in of its own. I definitely learned several life lessons during my time there, and I will always treasure this memory :))!

awww, what a sweet memory! here are your ticket numbers!




Congrats! You've won 2!