$40's Literatures

10 months, 7 days ago
10 months, 7 days ago
2 1855 1

This story may contain death, adult themes such as issues with mental health, derealization, etc. Generally this story is intended for at least readers 14+.

This is written as a synopsis with script elements describing dialogue and specific scenes/visuals, though this is not a full script and mainly just goes over the events. THIS STORY IS HEAVY WORK IN PROGRESS! Some scenes are glossed over due to this.

Escaping Dreamscape takes place 18 years before my main story ‘Heroes of Morrow,” But I figured I'd write this story’s synopsis first because Dreamscape's events lead directly into how things kick off in HOM.

Dreamscape is the story of a canine named Pillow being transported to the dimension known as The 'Dreamscape,' He must traverse this inverse world, meeting the strange inhabitants and finding his way back to reality.