


6 years, 2 months ago



Name: Reed

Nickname(s): n/a

Class/Tier: High Tier Astral Class


Pronoun: he / him

Sexuality: Demiromantic Bisexual

Age: 29

Sector: 6

Job: Spy

Height: 6' 2"


-to outsiders he seems very cool and mysterious

-his facade of a cool collected gentleman is very misleading

-he's good at his job and he knows it and he makes sure everyone else knows it too

-to those who have worked with him (Max and Hawk) they know he's fucking OBNOXIOUS

-annoying but in a charming way

-charming as hell

-super intelligent and clever

-a chesty laugh

-cares about his beard too much

-persuasive as hell

-constantly stressing but no one will ever know



Both of his parents worked very dangerous jobs, and Reed found this out at a very young age. When Reed was exposed to this job at age five and Wren was born shortly after, the family vowed to limit Wren's exposure to this lifestyle and give her as normal a life as possible. Of course, they trained her for the worst, but their plan to give her a normal lifestyle went sour very quickly when their parents were killed when Reed was 21, Wren 16, and foul play was suspected. Reed, in a flurry of emotion, left Wren in the middle of the night to avenge their parents. He spent his time investigating their parent's murder and got into some pretty fishy business in the process. Unbeknownst to him, he pretty much fucked Wren over and she ended up on the streets and poor with no way to support herself. Reed feels terrible about it, but being as he is he can't express his regret and can't change what he did. 


✅ drinking

✅ suits

✅ his hair

✅ being well dressed

✅ night time

✅ weapons n shit

✅ isolation

✅ hosting

✅ astronomy


❌ not being well dressed

❌ people touching his hair (how DARE)

❌ day time

❌ stress

❌ relaxing

❌ not having control


-when he relaxes, he relaxes HARD. like no one hears for him for a solid day

-no one has ever seen him not well dressed except for wren and max, max less so

-wren is the polar opposite of him and he CANNOT handle her