

2 years, 4 months ago


Basic info

Age 26
Gender Female
S.O. Bisexual
DoB June 7
Sign Gemini
Height 167cm

Feelings towards Alfa













Current relationship


Desired relationship

married couple



Alma and Alpha had a quite rough start into their relationship; they had their ups and downs, mostly because they had other priorities and lived fairly different lives, but that didn't scare them away and with genuine will to work on themselves they remained together. They both try to support each other in what they do - both their careers and hobbies. They don't question their interests at all but instead motivate each other to engage in something they enjoy. Their bond deepened and got stronger after their unplanned child was born. They are absolutely in love with their daughter and plan to have more kids in the future.

Dua Lipa - Love Again

I was in love with you the moment I saw you for the first time. I never cared about your money but who you are as a person and I forbid you to buy me expensive gifts! All I want is love and for you to not overwork himself. I have no doubts when you proposed. I want to create a loving family and to grow old with you.

I know that I wasn't the best boyfriend in the past, but I'm trying my best ever since. I love you with all my heart, and after our baby Aliz was born, I have no doubts about spending the rest of my life with you. I will support you no matter what and take care of the baby so you can focus on your career.

Relationship dynamic



The Heart

The Brain

Affection through words

through actions


Chill going

Does stupid things

Calms other one

Goes into fights

Uses diplomacy


Not tactile


Love at first sight

Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Makes food

Can't cook

Big Spoon

Little Spoon

Borrows clothes

Lends clothes

Was in relationship(s)

Has no experience

Relationship story

First meeting

Alma is a professional swimmer, she moved out from her hometown in order to train in Budapest. When she was walking around the town hall to complete the formalities she bumped into RGBA. Quite literally, because she hit him with doors when walking out of an office. Alpha is a lawyer and accountant working for in his parents company, he visits the town hall often so it felt like a regular day for him. Sadly he fell to the ground after being hit by Alma and his nose was bleeding, she decided to help and take care of him. Seeing her he was amazed by her looks so he imediately asked her out on a date.

Alpha used to treat women with disrespect so beginnings of their relationship were very rough. Alma had to set right boundaries and find patience in herself. Luckily with time and professional support she managed to change the way he acts.


This was the worst ice breaker ever, but how well it worked! Would repeat this if that meant keeping you forever.~


My nose still hurts when the weather is about to change, you left the scar on me and my life forever, honey.


Alma and Alpha were spending a New Years Eve together with their friends at their parents' house. Besides the necessities such as food and drinks, they bought a bunch of alcohol to properly say goodbye to the previous year. Somewhere during the night, when no one was paying attention, Alpha and Alma decided to sneak out to have some fun. They didn't use any protection this time, but didn't think about it at all. A few weeks later Alma's period didn't appear, but she put the blame on stress caused by her current swimming competition. Only after two months, and only after Red's request she finally took a pregnancy test. It came out positive.

She was so scared to let Alpha know, not being sure how he would react, but after a long talk and lots of tears, they decided to keep the baby and become parents. Luckily, they had their parents' blessing and their friends who supported them wholeheartedly, so pregnancy and new responsibility was easier to bear.

Aliz was born after a very long and tiring labor in water, healthy and strong. They both fell in love in her the moment they saw her. They make sure she grows happy and give her lots of independence in learning new things. They both want to raise her in a healthy enviroment, not repeating their parents' mistakes throughout the years.


I certainly didn't enjoy all this puking, mood swings, food cravings and random kicks in the bladder, but it was worth it. I'm so glad you were next to me all this time, your patience saved me a lot of trouble.


Our child made me realize how childish I used to be myself. I had no idea I'm going to become a father one day, but I wouldn't change anything. I love you both.


After years of training and lots of efforts, Alma was finally qualified to take a part in Olympics in Tokyo. It was a big step in her carreer, so she trained hard not to disappoint herself and put even more time into regaining her form after pregnancy. Unfortunately, the pressure she put on herself took a toll on her mental health, so she had to seek professional help to get on her feet. Luckily, Alpha supported her through everything, making sure she gets the help she deserves and don't overextend her body.

Alma arrived in Japan strong and sure of her abilities, together with her trainer and Alpha as her manager. She did everything she could, now it was time to prove herself. She stood next to most skilled swimmers in the world, and that was a reward itself. When the competition started and she jumped into the water, her goal was only to prove herself. She swam head to head with another swimmer, but on the last lap everything changed. As she emerged from the water, she realised the won just by miliseconds and therefore she won a gold medal for Hungary. Her heart was filled with so much excitement and happiness she kept the medal next to her for the first few days, starting with taking a proper nap right after the competition and some interviews, with the medal resting on a pillow next to her.

After the Olympics ended, they decided to stay in Japan longer and sightsee around Tokyo as a reward. They took their sweet time there, as it was their first time travelling without Aliz; they missed her and were worried about her, of course, but enjoyed some alone time they definitely needed and deserved.


I felt like we were still at that sweet honeymoon phase ad the beginning of our relationship and just having fun around Tokyo, learning about each other once again! But honestly, nothing tops that nap after the win, it was out of this world.


I am beyond proud of you, Alma! You deserved this success like noone else. Also spending some time alone with you for the first time was very rewarding.


  • They own a dog named Alex.
  • Alpha often writes poems about Alma.
  • Alpha is Alma's manager and goes with her to every swimming competition.
  • Alma tries to motivate Alpha little by little into trying more healthy lifestyle.

Basic info

Age 27
Gender Male
S.O. Unknown
DoB April 1
Sign Aries
Height 165cm

Feelings towards Alma













Current relationship


Desired relationship

married couple