Nicholas Fischl-Bouška



1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info




Human-identifying Fischl


Unacceptable weakness







Bishop Nicholas

A human-identifying tradesperson

Notes on Nicholas' character:

Nicholas is jovial and given to obsession. they speak in a flat voice that makes it difficult to guess their intentions.

 They are a creature that has been cast out into secrecy for millennia , so the sudden advent in their life (which has felt endless before they became aware of even the existence of the passage of ''human time'') of interaction with anyone else at all has driven them insane with boredom. They are experiencing (in comparison to how long they spent outside of time without it) for the first time: envy, lust, companionship, true love, obsession and debt to another.

Their personality is more or less equivalent to a stereotypical immature young man, though they are ageless and present at an ambiguous human age (20-40?). They engage in a lot of dramatic, theatrical behavior for shock value. 

The rest of Fischl hates Nicholas, and does everything in its power to hurt and upset them.  

Nicholas is very aware that any injury they suffer will only hurt them and never kill them, this means that they will continue to harass a target or pursue an objective even past the point of losing several limbs , or even their head. Simply picking up the severed body part and haphazardly re-attatching it in a brutal fashion until they can find the time to dedicate to doing a better job of it.

Nicholas is equally as much of an avatar of the Living World as the Director is - ergo there are many thing Nicholas can inexplicably do that the other prisoners cannot. Such as levitate, use telekinesis, warp their surroundings, teleport, dislocate all of their bones to move through tight spaces, alter gravity and create common areas of rest or entrapment. However, they do not recognize themself as being the same species as Fischl, and attribute these powers to being able to perform miracles due to having such a strong faith in God.  

Nicholas is a ''Christian'' but only because this is the only religion they are familiar with due to their close relationship with Amelia. They are very interested in faith and practice intricate faith-based rituals. There is no defined system of belief on earth that matches exactly what Nicholas practices - although for reference it involves a lot of symbolic burning of candles, use of once-living remains, letters, personal items and various symbolic items (string, material, sigils.) Earth equivalents of this practice may be named as ''witchcraft.''

They are curious and open to new things, there is nobody Nicholas will not attempt to befriend from the outset - although they have a hard time being the first to approach in traditional means. Preferring instead to corner or even stalk a person before introducing themself. By which time they have often forgotten that their target doesn't know who they are, since they have seen so much of them.

The stitches that hold Nicholas' skin together (a result of their conflict with the rest of Fischl) are often infected or rotting and have to be re-sewn due to breaking or otherwise being damaged. This does cause them pain, but they usually do not notice because this has been a fact of their life since it began. The stitching can be seen occasionally to move or part as if something white and slender is beneath it - these are Fischls fingers. It is possible for other forms of Fischl to burst forth from inside of Nicholas' skin as a method of breaking out of hiding. although Nicholas will put themselves back together again afterwards.

Nicholas cannot self-heal without putting the physical effort in to sew themselves back together. Usually they have Amelia to help them with this who makes the process less painful, but in the times before Amelia it was not anywhere near as easy. 

They are nearly constantly surrounded by flies. As with the other members of the Fischl species, a Fischl avatar's individual thoughts and emotions (if they are particularly strong) will briefly manifest as a small living creature before disappearing again. 

Nicholas is an artist - they like to sculpt and draw. They like to make masks and to pursue their own creation of life project. They have actually succeeded only once in creating life - but the result was the completely non-human non-Fischl entity known as a Homunculus - ''the Child.'' Nicholas has lost the child in a place they do not know how to access and seek to destroy it out of fear.

Nicholas is often the character that bridges the gap between other narratives in the Living World and acts as a merchant of sorts at times , being able to travel at will. Something the other prisoners cannot do. It is for this reason (and the fact that they appear to perform miracles) that a few other captives have begun to think of Nicholas as a religious leader, they are often named ''the Bishop Nicholas'' by these people.c9c8ceb70e39c97e1bf3405bce172856a92d5732