


8 years, 7 months ago



Selfless . Wanderer . Lone wolf

Status Available
Species Human
Role Stowaway
Designer Kwindom
Rules No commercial use

Custom purchased from Kwindom

Unlikely to look at offers

Hiding every day from the sun

As a young child it was always his dream to travel, to see the world and everything in it. However, he grew up in a strict household with parents who would have none of it. His father is in fact a quite respected doctor who was well known in his homeland for having helped many people. He was strongly pressured to do the same thing, to be a great doctor, but the stress of having so much riding on him drove him to a terrible depression. He decided, instead-to take his life into his own hands. Even if he wants to help people, he doesn't want to be forced to help people just to make his parents proud of him. So as a young teen he stowed away on a ship and begun his journey around the world. He generally means well, but he can come across as a bit self absorbed. When he's alone in the world, far from home and taking care of himself, sometimes he just kind of has to be.

He travels the world trying to figure out his destiny. Enjoying all that the time on his own has to offer him. He's a little irresponsible, and easily gullible or swayed into misdeeds, but he does have good intentions and would never want to harm others. 

Further info - Stories - World info/lore


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