


6 years, 3 months ago


 Deity | Ageless | He/They


✼ About the God of Inspiration ✼

Venda is the eldest offsprings of Xibalba y La Muerta and is often the  mediator between the two gods. He is often found in the land of the  remembered partying it up with his mother and creating the most  beautiful buildings, paintings, food ect you could imagine. He is the  king of celebrations and inspires the living to create and party till  dawn.

Venda is made out of sugar like most calaveras (sugar skulls) but is so sweet it'll make you sick to your stomach, Tends to look  ambiguous/androgynous some villagers tend to argue what gender they are,  but can never agree. Venda kinda leans to a more male look to make his  father happy (more female siblings) since Venda spends more time with their mother.  

They are very confident which can come off as cocky and vain. They are a very carefree spirit, if you will, loves to flirt with everyone. They  seem to constantly smile which can be either sweet or sinister. Huge  practical joker.  Always creating and inspiring those around him since  its his job. Very good at settling arguments (lots of practice with his  parents as a counselor) An excellent older sibling and has a very unique  fashion scene, always mixing old style with new and adding a bit of a  punk touch.

҉      Facts  ҉

● Birthday: November 3rd  ● Non-Binary
● Pan/Bi   ● God of Inspiration
● MoonChord's Bitch
● Love to flirt around but when they find someone they commit to them

❁ Likes

● Baking  ● Creating ● Flirting
 ● Partying ● Family Bonding ●Being a little shit ● Sweet bread  ●Siestas  ● Flirting

✿ Dislikes

● Arguing  ● Not getting his hourly sweets  ● Destruction (esp if its his work)   ● being awoken from their nap  ● seeing his family hurt

HTML Profile by Coywolfy