


1 year, 5 months ago


Rank: leader

Age: 33 moons

Clan: curiumclan

Personality: Hedera is a sophisticated and smart she-cat, or at least that’s how she likes to see herself. In reality she is a book worm with little to no interest in others. She would rather hunker down in her den with a bunch of books than have to deal with her fellow clanmates but alas she was chosen by Atomclan to be leader. Even though she has disdain for her role as leader; she still takes her job very seriously. She has done much research on how to be a good leader. Though reading about being a good leader doesn’t make you one. She’s very awkward when it comes to social interaction and tends to come off as pompous and uncaring.

She loves to be right and hates to be wrong. She’s a bit of a know-it-all but most of the time she’s right. She believes in atomclan but disagrees with the way things are done by them (she also finds them a