


1 year, 6 months ago


the current leader of bristling ash, and the big villain of the main story. snowblossom has had a vision come to her, which she believes is from the stars, that has encouraged her that for all four tribes to survive, they have to become one tribe, and endure a dead season together (winter). she confides in her healer, who is suspicious of the motive behind this vision, and tries to convince snowblossom that it wasn’t a star cat, but something sinister. snowblossom refuses to listen, and plans to announce the vision to the other tribes at the upcoming meeting. when she arrives, she sees snake, a quiet trainee of weeping willow, with a deadly aura that a whisper in her ear convinces snowblossom to take advantage of. she gets snake to warm up to her and he confides in her about how tough his mentor is, and she takes the opportunity to give him “training” a few nights every moon, which turns into almost every night. she is training him to have a more aggressive and violent fighting style, unpredictable and deadly. but she is also planting little seeds in his mind, taking over his head and manipulating him where she can get him to turn on his tribe when the time comes and join her forces. trainee is rocky (and snake, technically).