


1 year, 9 months ago


Reformed changling who fell in love with the fairy queen
During their union Lysandra was blessed by the fairy queen and gained the abilities of the fairies becoming a lacewing

Lysandra was an exiled changling wandering the forests in search for food. She has a kind heart and was among one of the first to learn to share love and reform.
After her exile she found herself wandering the area very close to the hidden fairy village. After a few months of supervising the stranger, Queen Amaryllis chose to show herself to the changling. Lysandra was terified, but too weak to do much of anything. The fairy queen took pity on her and gave her food and patched up her wounds. The queen took her leave but would watch her from afar.
As a sign of thanks Lysandra perpared a gift for the queen, as the two spent more time together and grew closer, Lysandra started having suble changes at first. Her wings would sparkle, her horn and body started showing specks of colour. All up until one day when Amaryllis went to go visit Lysandra but couldn't find her, she wasn't responding to any of the queens calls like normal. The queen felt heartbroken but then noticed a cocoon moving up in the trees. Soon after the cocoon started to break and open and Lysandra appeared as a reformed changling.
Even with the new apearence Amaryllis reconized her immediately, and welcomed her to the hidden village as one of their own.