

  •  Species:  Ichor-enhanced Kobold 
  •  Affiliation:  Consort 
  •  Occupation:  Drifter

Bold -  Feisty - Sassy- Direct - Self-Sufficient

Bestla does her own thing, speaks her mind, and doesn’t care very much whether this comes with the approval of others. She’s got the moxie to call people out when it’s appropriate, and the honesty to get her message across. She’s an extrovert by nature who is the life of any conversation she’s a part of, and loves being the center of attention. Despite this, she’s a down-to-earth realist who takes things as they are and understands that she’s not above anyone.
Once a scrappy hunter, she’s a badass who is generally easygoing, but doesn’t take adversarial behavior lying down. She’s also fiercely independent, and prefers to get things done herself without interference from anyone else.


✔ Likes / Hobbies

  • She loves grilled or stewed meats, and her favorite food is a rack of lamb
  • When she hunts, she makes a point of using every part of the animal and not letting anything go to waste; As a result, she has a passing interest in taxedermy, and crafts her own armor out of bones and animal skins
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♪ Skills

  • A jack of all trades, she has a variety of miscellaneous skills: leather working, smithing, metal forging, wilderness survival skills, wood working…
  • While she only hunts for food and takes no pleasure in killing for sport, she does seem to enjoy the thrill of the chase, and clearly has a lot of talent as a hunter
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♦ Trivia

  • Was a drifter looking for odd jobs before meeting Alya
  • A former career criminal that got cleaned up after being offered a job as mercenary for Princess Charlotte, but she's since left this position
  • While she still engages in some illegal activity, she has an unshakable sense of honor; She won’t harm the innocent or vulnurable, will leave behind a tip if she has to steal or “borrow” something, doesn't use weapons outside of her daggar or her fists, and no longer takes bounty hunting jobs with political motivations
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