Arcadia Rapture [PONYSONA]



6 years, 3 months ago


Basic Information

Name: Arcadia Rapture (born as Columbia Rose)

Nicknames: Arcade, Arc

Age: 21

Gender: Trans male (he/him pronouns)

Race: Pegasus (part deer - if he were cis, he'd have antlers, but as he's trans, doesn't have them)

Personal Information

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic

Relationship Status: Taken

Special Somepony: False Prophet


  • Social anxiety through the roof - he can't talk to strangers on the phone at all without freezing up. Sometimes it actually gets so bad that he suffers anxiety attacks when the only people around him are family members.
  • Constantly doubting himself - a result of really low self-esteem after years of bullying, it's to the point where he sometimes apolgizes for something he thinks he's done to upset somepony even when told that he hasn't.
  • Really bad temper - he's easy to anger, and hard to calm down, so he sometimes flies off the hook at other ponies for minor things. His siblings probably get the brunt of it as they're incredibly loud, and Arcadia doesn't do well with loud noises.
  • Easily embarrassed - hates messing up on words, especially if other ponies make fun of him for it, as he goes bright red from the embarrassment.
  • Forgetful - he isn't naturally forgetful; its a side effect of years of all-nighters done when he was really young affecting his memory to the point he can barely remember the day before most times.


Parents and 6 siblings
(3 brothers, 3 sisters - younger than one brother, older than the other 5 kids)

Sandstone Aurora, Spindling Spire and Little Sparrowfeather - Children with Prophet

Cutie Mark, Talent, Job and Hobbies

Cutie Mark: Blank flank (kind of a sore point for him, as pretty much every other pony his age has theirs, tends to keep his wings closed around strangers as they cover his flank as long as they're closed)

Special Talent: Unknown

Job: Unemployed

Hobbies: Gaming, coin collecting (mostly foreign coins, as he rarely finds old coins he likes), drawing (hell knows how he does it, but he manages)

Out of Universe Information

Adopted?: Yes || No

If adopted, who from?: N/A

Voice Claim: ???

Other Notes: 

  • Got his name from a video game, specifically Bioshock. Arcadia is a map from the first game, with Rapture being the name of the city it was set in. [This was how I chose my own name as well, so it makes sense to have Arcadia have gotten his name from a game]
  • Hates the fact his wing tips and mane glow - he's even tried dyeing his mane in the past attempting to cover its glow, but it doesn't do anything to stop it so he's just given up at this point. He'll fight anyone that tries to invalidate him as a stallion just because his mane glows, so don't say "oh but you must be a mare if your mane glows" unless you want to fight with someone who's completely willing to go for your knees and ankles, or even bite you if it's the only thing he's able to do.
  • Cracked teeth - he didn't think he'd live past twelve, so he never saw why taking care of his teeth mattered. Now that he's as old as he is, he regrets not taking care of them before now, but again, he didn't see himself being alive after twelve.
  • You'll rarely ever see him out of his hoodie, as it's pretty much a safety blanket for him. Even if it's hot as heck outside, unless Arc feels like he'll pass out if he doesn't, he won't take it off. He can sometimes be seen with a different hoodie on, but rarely will you ever see him without one on at all.
  • Sometimes seen with pacifiers/dummies. It's less to do with the 'baby' implications that most ponies would jump to, and more to do with the fact most chew necklaces would be too hard for his damaged teeth. Never seen out in public with them in his mouth, however, as he doesn't want to draw attention to himself.
  • "THIS IS THE FOURTH MANE CUT IN TWO MONTHS WHAT IN SUPERNOVA IS GOING ON" - His mane grows out way too quickly for his liking, so he always finds himself having to go to the barber's not long after a previous visit. Honestly he's just glad he passes as a guy now, mane cuts are so much cheaper now (also he'll start fights with other stallions if they start joking about how mares spend so much getting their mane cut; "you...uh..ya do realize they don't choose to spend that much? That's what they get charged. I'd know, used to get mistaken for a mare and by Supernova's tail, 40 bits for a trim is robbery"). When his mane is too long, he resorts to hair ties, or even a bandana to keep it out of his eyes.