Aoi (Blueberry AU)



1 year, 4 months ago



carefree . ambitious . friendly

'Hi there! mind if I join you?'

Aoi displays a happy-go-lucky attidute and is very cheerful in his way of talking, often times it's even argued that he can't shut up for one second. He is energetic, kind and helpful and can strike a conversation with almost anyone that he meets. Ingeneral, Aoi is described to be a good child despite of his sad past. That persona crumbles very fast however when it comes to his Mother Melody, when a person is stupid enough to try and make his mother's life misserable he is not hesitant to be the most vile and evil that he can be.

Aoi often loves to toy with his targets and make their life as misserable as possible - unless his mother finds out says otherwise.

  • Sweets
  • Comic books
  • Socalizing
  • Dressing up
  • Spicy food
  • Clutter
  • Being Ignored
  • Boredom

Ever since Aoi can remember roaming the streets alone at some point when he was a little. His parents simply lost him on the road though didn't care enough to start looking for him as he was described to be a "burden to them" anyway. Walking on the streets he found a small cat companion that was left alone in the trash alley, the both of them became friend pretty fast and have been inseparable ever since.

After managing ot sneak into a building to secretely eat some of the food together with his companion, Aoi had been eventually caught and put to question. It turned out that he had snuck into one of stronger mafia organizations, naturally he was in a lot of trouble but luckily before anything could happen he had been taken in by one of the family members, Melody.

Despite having a rough start, Melody took good care of Aoi and he grows up to be a good son to be proud of.

  • Aoi prefers reading comic books much rather than traditional books as they have pretty picture to go with them.
  • He physically cannot eat anything spicy, otherwise he will sweat profusely.
  • Keeping things clean and tidy is always his go to in any environment he's in.
  • Loves to come up with silly nicknames for his targets.
  • In his free time he plays roguelike, platformer and fighting games.

Melody Digresse

(adoptive) Mother
Melody adopted Aoi from a young age herself, but despite that she managed to raise her son properly. Aoi cares a lot for her and is thankful for everything that she has done for him.



Best Friend
Rui can be described as an grumpy old cat who would most perferably be left alone but he doesn't mind a good pat on the head or being given some food. After being seperated from his original owner through a spell, he has lost the ability to speak but that doesn't stop him from being expressive in other ways.


Amolita Digresse Rain (Rainbow Swirls)

Auntie Amolita is usually the one helping with difficult situations that Aoi might find himself in and in return Aoi often helps her with the work in the preschool she's working in.

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