[MTT] Cerise



1 year, 5 months ago
CosmicDerp Vippy


Dumb TH keeps trying to break everything ugh

Name: Cerise (Cherry in French)

Nicknames: Cherri, Cherry, Cher Cher(don’t use)

Gender: Male (He/Him or They/Them)

Age: 27

Dragon form height:  5’9”

Body Type: Slim and a little long.

Cerise is generally calm and sweet to everyone he meets, but most of the time he is rather introverted when meeting new people as of these last few years. He tends to try and keep up an emotional barrier when around others, and uses a happier facade to make himself look more appealing  as well. He does still try to greet everyone with a soft smile on his face because you never know who might need to see a friendly face, and tries to be empathetic whenever possible-- this includes listening to other's troubles and offering solutions when able. When he becomes emotionally drained, he tends to have a harder time keeping certain emotions in check. This can lead to having small breakdowns or panic attacks whenever he is not given time to be alone and recharge.

Likes: Music, Violins, Games to deal with music, Puzzles( be it computer games, brain games, or normal picture puzzles), Rain and the relaxing sound of it, Mythology, Death related things(themes,creatures,myths,etc.), Most art, Hot tubs, Movies, Eating new things, anything with caramel(smell or taste),

Dislikes:  His scars, Being reminded of his past partner, Nightmares, Migraines, Sudden loud noises, Some big machinery, Super hot humid weather, Can’t cook at all, Being scared to relearn to play music again, Being alone, Big crowds, Being a disappointment to those around him,

Occupation: Unemployed-Job Searching/ Part-time Game streamer (in spare time)

Allegiance: N/A

Location: Junction City

Playing the violin (Past hobby, Read extra)
Casual game streaming ( Spare time)

Sexuality: Demi-Homosexual

Flesh Color: Inner mouth and ears are red, actual blood and flesh are yellow, the same as all MTTs.

Saliva: Smells and tastes like dragon fruit when aroused.

Tail Hologram: Alt. Holo shaped like a simple white arrow cocktail piercer that sticks through the middle of his chest from the back, with 2 red circles (cherries) on it behind his back.


Relationship Status:  Single.

Family: - | Damocles (Older Brother) | Damascus (Older Brother) | Alaska (Past Fiancé/Deceased) | Shii ( Mother/Alive) | Unknown? ( Mother/Deceased) | Unknown? ( Father/Deceased) | Unknown? ( Mother/Alive?/Carrier) |


-Backstory in WIP-

Currently a brief summary of what is happening in his life now, is he was suddenly found by one of his other Mother’s from his family’s poly that his carrier parent broke up from, and has slowly been learning to get more adjusted to the different type of parental attention he never received while with his carrier after they took him away. It has been an emotional rollercoaster that even he has a hard time keeping in check with experiencing so many new things along with a Mother figure that is gentle with him sometimes will slightly freak him out, but he doesn’t hate it.
He’s even been slowly learning more about his two siblings Damo and Dama, he never got a chance to really be around as much when he was a kid, and other than the odd jealous scuffling that gets amusingly stifled by Mom’s baked cookies.

-He has a mild fascination with things relating to Death, or even how it differs in other types of cultures or myths over time. Learning about it and seeing different forms and art has always been interesting, along with seeing neat creatures people tend to make online.
-He also has a small collection of skulls and bones he’s gotten from over the years, and takes great care of them so they won’t be damaged since he has a big respect for objects of the like.
-He doesn’t see the ‘Angel of Death’ as a evil being or something to be scared of like many people tend to, or even in horror movies, he sees them more of a type of Guardian angel that would watch over you and be there to walk with the souls that pass so they aren’t walking alone to the other side.
-Usually tends to have a normal tired look to him even when he tries to hide it behind smiles, it becomes more noticeable as the day progresses.
-Loves to read books a lot at night, or even stories online because they help him relax enough to fall asleep almost like watching a movie would.
-Doesn’t have perfect vision, used to have reading glasses growing up but as got older he wasn’t able to keep affording new ones, so now when he reads or has to focus on smaller text it’s more challenging and tends to strain his eyes, sometimes can lead to mild migraines after periods of time.
-He does do some casual game streaming in his free time, and sometimes has gotten lucky with a couple people donating a little money to him for enjoying their time, it doesn’t happen very often but he’s always super grateful.
-Loves animals, and wishes could have a pet someday if he could afford it, but he knows he doesn’t have enough funds to do so and keep a pet happy and healthy no matter how much he’d love a companion.
-Sadly he tends to have trouble keeping jobs for long, and has gotten used to just getting lucky with barely getting by with saved up money and trying to get part-time jobs and keeping them for as long as he can manage.
-Can’t cook worth crap, is lucky to manage heating up pre-cooked meals from the store, the bravest he’s ever attempted was scrambled eggs with a bit of melted cheese. After a couple tries he finally stopped over-cooking them and decided it was best to stick with pre-cooked meals.
-Loves to mess around with different types of art, doesn’t feel like he’s amazing with any of them but finds them to be a decent way for small outlets to destress, painting, rough sketching, and working with sculpting are his favorites and help the most.
-Loves wearing poncho-like hoodies.
-On his right cheek/jaw and front right shoulder/neck he has a couple of cigarette burn scars on him from when he was a child, from a past abusive event with his mother.
-A decent amount of the tip of his right ear is missing from having to be surgically removed. He had ran away from home, and in his attempt to climb out the window his mother figure slammed it closed on his ear before he could get free. Time later the tip became necrotic from the damage and the orphanage he was in had the dead tissue removed.
-Has an old cut scar across right wrist, with a long deep scar starting from the bottom of his palm and traveling down to just below his inner elbow. It being a very old failed attempt at suicide after they were ready to give up when he lost his partner. He tends to keep it covered with a wrap or type of arm brace due to regret and embarrassment if anyone sees it. Arm/Leg also gets tired faster or more easily strained compared to others.
-He used to play the violin all the time since he was learning, and really loved doing it. But fell into a depression and has played it since he hurt himself. He feels he doesn’t deserve to have that luxury anymore, and also doesn’t think he’d even be able to remember how to.
-He was previously an open, ecstatic person. He and his then-partner were happily engaged. The night they'd gone out to celebrate, however, an accident left only half the pair standing. Alaska died, and the place where he is now; is what remains of his shattered psyche.
-His normal hairstyle used to always be short and was really good with having it trimmed up, but after losing Alaska and finding it hard to move past many things he stopped caring for it and just let it grow out.  

Humanoid info:

Body Type: Slim, slight muscle and hips or hints of androgynous feel but still mascline looking.

Height:  5’4”

Eye color: Red (that or a hint darker then markings)

Hair Style: Semi long and hangs below shoulders, bangs are shorter and drape around the length of his face, the longer part of his hair he tends to keep up in a looped bun most of the time with a hair clip or whatever he can manage to find to hold it up.

Hair Color: Red