



"Sometimes a beholder’s dreams are dominated by images of itself or of other beholders (which might or might not actually exist). On extremely rare occasions when a beholder dreams of another beholder, the act creates a warp in reality — from which a new, fully formed beholder springs forth unbidden, seemingly having appeared out of thin air in a nearby space. This “offspring” might be a duplicate of the beholder that dreamed it into existence, or it could take the form of a different variety of beholder, such as a death kiss or a gazer (see “Beholder-Kin”). It might also be a truly unique creature, such as could be spawned only from the twisted imagination of a beholder, with a set of magical abilities unlike that of its parent."

Frauke, meaning "little lady", is the offspring of Valnox. She came into existence on accident when a band of adventurers got into his head about the prospects of a beholder-humanoid hybrid. She is seemingly devoid of emotion, but very much wants to explore the world and make new friends.

Currently, Frauke is a servant of Valnox, acting in his stead in the great big world finding new secrets and treasures for him. He acts as her warlock patron, in addition to her natural aberrant abilities in her humanoid-beholder form.