Holmes 'Deadeye' (Rogues)



1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info




Holmes 'Deadeye' Murdock






Rogues, The Circuitbanes, spaceship dogfights, mapping out the more "dangerous" areas in the galaxy, artifact hunting, weaponry collecting, olives,,, soup.


The Hegemony, The Peackeeper Concord (somewhat), being out in the open,


Holmes Murdock, nicknamed "Deadeye", is a member of the Rogue "faction". He is highly respected by others in the group. By ones outside of it though, they tend to look upon him with distaste, as he's one of the more offending rogues. He's been in the category ever since he was a young man.
He is one of the most-wanted-by-the-Hegemony rogues out there. The imperial has listed many bounties for his head, some of which reach upwards to amounts of 26 Million credits. Because of this, he's almost always on the move. He simply isn’t comfortable hanging around one area for long periods of time, unless he is positively sure he’s safe.
Holmes has taken down many soldiers, both in spaceship dogfights and in face-to-face combat. He is determined to keep himself alive, not only to continue his work, but to also spite the HELL out of the Hegemony. They aren't amused.

Holmes is well-trained, but he's not perfect. For example, he's had to replace multiple body parts of his with prosthetics due to injury, usually coming from the fights he gets himself into (While he can succeed at it, he is a bit more flawed in face-to-face combat. Old man).
His left eye is synthetic, which is why he has been given the nickname "Deadeye" by others (and because he's quite a sharp shooter).
As well as this, his left arm is mostly synthetic, too.
Some have suspected he has involvement with the Circuitbanes for these replacement parts, as well as the rarer equipment seen on his ship. This information is true. Holmes is very close to the Curcuitbane faction/species, and often uses their stations as a refuge to hide from the Hegemons, or to get medical attention (whether it’s for his real or synthetic parts).
Holmes has a heavy New York accent. This is because it's funny.

Holmes can be a bit cold and is pretty damn serious. He is also quite headstrong and courageous. Though admirable, this can cause him to come across as slightly arrogant, and he often has a hard time seeing from the side of others who oppose what he stands for. He isn't heartless, though, and past the occasional bitterness, there's a man who just wants a better future for... Well, those who aren't the Hegemony.

Holmes’ Backstory-

Holmes spent a lot of his late childhood worrying about the future, looking for some sort of purpose to fulfill. He'd always been a wanderer, exploring all sorts of different areas on the planet he resided on. He was orphaned at a young age and claims he's not truly sure who his parents are. He's gone through countless records, and has gotten a vague idea throughout the years, but he's never truly known.
Holmes' home planet was farther out, in a much lesser hegemony-regulated system. The technology and customs on this planet were considered to be more primitive than others, but that's not to say it wasn't advanced. It had a rich jungle/forest environment that covered a majority of the surface.
Though the young Holmes had never had a true family, he was raised for a short period of time by a kind old lady. She had found him in his abandoned, disoriented, and disgruntled state, and helped to nourish him back to health. Holmes had stayed with her for a few years, but as time went by, he started to venture out more and more. Eventually, her house was simply a visiting stop. But he never forgot the way she had helped him, and every time he passed by the village, she was the first person he'd come visit, and she'd be there waiting with some of her soup.
As he got older, Holmes started to teach himself different skills, a lot of which were to help out his old lady back home. He learned how to repair technology so he could help her fix various different things. He started mapping as a way to show her all of the extraordinary things on the planet, because she often secluded herself in her village. He truly cared about her.
Things got weird during Holmes' late teenage years. He began to notice more Hegemony ships fly by, a lot more than usual. He didn't really pay much attention to it at first, but during his various exploration sessions, he noticed many of them fly very close to the surface. They never landed, though. It was just... Odd.
He tried not to think about it much, though. He continued his explorations.
When Holmes was 17, he had prepared a longer mission. He wanted to finish mapping a specific area of the planet. He did this kind of thing often, it helped him feel closer to the world around him, but this time he was to be away for a week at least. He gathered his things, said goodbye to his old lady, and set off.
Holmes enjoyed his expedition. He'd managed to finish his map, and had gotten that rush of adventure he'd always seemed to be craving. And so, he began to set back.
He came back, and the village was torn to pieces.
It started off as a smell, a faint smell of burning. It went away after a while, and Holmes shrugged it off as a simple camp in the distance. He traveled farther, and began to notice damage. Slight damage to the environment, nothing that couldn't be explained in a reasonable manner. But it got worse the farther he traveled. Until he arrived in his village.
The aftermath of a Hegemony raid.
Holmes had heard rumors about them, but he'd never truly believed it. Always saw the stories as twisted folklore, 'what if they were evil?' style tales. And originally, he didn't even blame the Hegemony, blamed it on a bunch of bandits, but he realized the truth more and more as he got older.
Holmes never knew what had happened to that old lady. Whether she had been sold into slavery or killed in cold blood, it didn't matter. Holmes knew he wasn't seeing her again.
He marked a grave for her. It hurt to look at, but he came back to it often. He still does. It felt wrong not to.

Holmes doesn't like to talk about this section of his past. He's mentioned to others how he used to be an explorer on a foreign planet, but he hates going into specifics. Very few people have gotten him to talk about it.

Holmes stuck around that grave for a while. He just didn't know where to go with his life anymore. All of the people who'd cared about him and his work were presumed dead, or had fled. He'd explored the ruins of the village for hours, trying to find clues or remnants as to what had happened. He assumed that the attack had taken place around halfway through his exploration. He tried to go on mini expeditions to take his mind off things, but no matter what he did, he always came back to the grave.

Days passed, weeks passed, and though the village was destroyed, Holmes "defended" it with his life. He stuck by it, scouting for raiders looking for scraps, or dangerous wildlife, but they never came. He supposed at that point he just wanted some sort of confrontation. Some sort of action to combat the loneliness he'd felt. It wasn't long before he got it.
A man had appeared in the village one day. Landed by spaceship. Though Holmes was alarmed, he didn't immediately try to attack, despite the urge he had.
The man was a Rogue. Holmes could tell by the logo painted onto his ship. He looked rough, like he had survived many battles. Holmes didn't want to admit it at the time, but the presence of the man scared him. Horribly.
Holmes had heard of Rogues before. Heard they were ruthless terrorists, who pillaged and destroyed for their own personal gain. That they killed those they deemed to be insignificant, or those they planned on stealing from. That they were not to be trusted.
But the man didn't try to kill Holmes, or sell him into slavery, or try to take everything that hadn't already been taken from him... Instead, he'd noticed the young, frightened Holmes, and attempted to comfort him.

The man was nicknamed "Orillion", but his real name was Sinclair. He was a rogue who was attempting to expose the Hegemony's wrongdoings. Orillion had traced remnants of a distress signal, but it had never been answered. It also seemed as if the signal had tried to be disabled by some other force, but it was strong enough that the man was able to sense it after flying close to the planet. The signal had led him to the remnants of the destroyed village, and to Holmes himself.
Orillion expressed sorrow for Holmes' situation. He tried his best to get the boy back on his feet. He helped him gather food, materials, basic things he needed to keep himself going... Holmes was kind of a trainwreck at this point in time.

Orillion explained to Holmes his theory of what had happened, which of course, was linked to the Hegemony. He explained how Hegemons had done these sorts of things in the past, telling brutal stories of slavery, pillaging, death, and god knows what else. Holmes didn't want to believe it at first, but looking around, what else could he believe?
It was horrible, though, being told that the noble force you saw as heroic had done something so terrible to your friends, your family, and your home. Holmes couldn't help but feel anger and devastation. He'd been lied to.
Orillion managed to calm Holmes down a little, especially after preparing a meal with the wildlife they had hunted for food earlier. If there was one thing about Holmes, it was that a good meal could make him feel better. And Orillion was surprisingly a damn good cook. This didn't cause his feelings to disappear, though, and he found himself tearing up a little while eating. After a bit of silence, Orillion had cleared his throat, and asked Holmes if he had anywhere to go.
The question hurt Holmes a little more than he thought it would. In all honesty, he hadn't really thought about what he was going to do, much less where he was going to go. The realization sunk in immediately: He had no purpose. Not here.
Holmes had hated amitting it to Orillion, but he told the man that he didn't have anywhere to go, or a purpose to fulfill. He had nothing but the blaster in his holster and the map in his pocket.
Orillion, after thinking it over for a minute, told Holmes that he was welcome to travel with him. He could teach the boy to be a Rogue.
Holmes detested the idea of becoming a Rogue at first. As mentioned, he had heard horrible rumors about them. But, again, Orillion didn't seem to act like that. He was kind, and seemed as if he really wanted to help him. And if the stories about the Hegemony were true, Holmes wanted to do something about it... But could it be a facade? What if Orillion was lying? Whatever it was, Holmes didn't have anywhere else to go. And as much as he wanted to stick around his old village, he knew it was unhealthy. Constantly being reminded of better times certainly wasn't helping him, that was for sure.
Holmes accepted Orillion's offer.

𝘿𝙤𝙣 𝙈𝙘𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙣- 𝘼𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙋𝙞𝙚:
