[F2U] Theme Card's Comments

Used for him!

ATTENTION: weirdcore.

I really love this code!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!


Infact I'm gonna use it for more characters 👀

You're welcome, thank you too for the great work!

used! ty :D

kinda sad because i cant seem to figure out how to get the url to work in the code

hi! are you having trouble with the background or the main image? ^^

i was having a hard time with getting the music to work but turns out i was just doing it wrong 🥲

used!! this code is so silly i love it 😭

Really happy you enjoyed it!!


I had used this code for my character, Sprite, and I have to say... I LOVE THIS CODE !! I really love how it's a simple box for music! There is only one downside to this, the way that the button doesn't change and the line doesn't go with the length of the song itself. But, I all in all love it, and I had written this to make sure it was okay the way I added credit to fit the profile of Sprite. Thank you so much!

Hi! I'm really glad you enjoy it <3!
Regarding the progress line, I cannot unfortunately make it move accordingly to where the song is, without CSS. (as far as I know, I'll look deeper into it). I have a plan to make is so you can flip through different songs however :]

To answer your question, it's totally okay to add extra links, or change the look of the credit, as long as its clearly visible(as you've done); I would greatly appreciate if the "paste bin" bit links to the page instead though, so that people who like it, can favourite it, thank you in advance! :]

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Hi :D! You just change the "text-warning" in class, to any of the following; › text-primary › text-danger › text-info › text-secondary › text-light › text-success

So, lets say, you wanted it to be green, it would be: class="tooltipster text-success pull-right"

Hope that helps! :]

Update: for the image credits, it's the same thing, but you keep their "pull-left" attribute

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Haha! Sorry to spook you like that! But thank you! <3 Love a functional button :]

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