
1 year, 5 months ago




Name René Berger
Callsign Bolide
Age 20
Birthday August 1
Race Human
Background Celebrity
Gender Hell yeah (he/they)
Height 172 cm
Mech Horus Balor


  • Guns (especially the kinds he's not allowed to touch (yet))
  • Social games
  • Artsy photography
  • Deep house music


  • Disappointing others (especially authority figures)
  • People who pry
  • Reading
  • Medical stuff

Inferiority complex: the movie

A brash but charming model-turned-Union auxiliary guided by a questionable vision and convinced that fate will guide him to the end he's meant to meet.


[CW: attempted suicide]

Red Sun

Born to a medical scientist mother and a retired Union admin father, René had always been held to extremely high standards by his family, expected to make even greater contributions to Union's progress than his parents, but to everyone's dismay, they found themselves bitterly disappointed at every step that their firstborn couldn't keep up with their exorbitant expectations.
Consequently, René never had much of a happy life and came to feel guilty about every time he didn't immediately excel at something.

Blue Moon

Following a childhood of constant crushing pressure, René gradually came to terms with his apparent worthlessness and that he would never be able to make himself particularly useful to Union and make his parents proud.
Gradually giving up on his studies, he turned to the glittering world of creatives who seemed to live and die by their art. He became particularly fascinated with the world of art photography and found that it came surprisingly naturally to him, ultimately rising to significant fame as a model and director within the niche and reveled in the praise and adoration he was earning for the first time in his life.

Falling Star

However, as was to be expected, his parents noticed the gradual neglect of his studies and doubled down on their verbal abuse, hoping they could still set him on the right path. Ultimately, René reached his breaking point.
Feeling utterly worthless, he attempted to take his own life, but didn't succeed. In a moment of unconsciousness, he saw a vision of a faintly glimmering star far out in space, and it seemed like it was calling to him to come out of his lowest of places and find his purpose there.
When he regained consciousness, René became solely fixated on that vision, holding on to it tightly like it was the key to his life.


In a moment of incredible impulsivity, René decided to become a Union auxiliary, leaving his family overnight without telling anyone since their thoughts didn't matter to him anymore. The only thing on his mind was that distant shimmer that had called his name.
Following some very basic training, his first mission was going to take him to a planet called Hercynia. René was convinced that this was the star from his vision.


  • René rarely expresses his true thoughts, instead choosing to fake a kind and caring personality and concealing his own struggles in order to gain people's trust. When flattery reaches its limits though, or when he's put under too much pressure, he may reveal his hostile side and try to reach his goals through thinly veiled intimidation.
  • He tends to make friends very easily and enjoys socializing, but since so much of his personality is faked, he doesn't actually consider most of them real friends.
  • His confidence is faked just as much. He sees himself as painfully worthless and inferior to the people around him because of his long history of failing to live up to others' expectations.
  • Although he still maintains an interest in art photography, he's come to regard it as something rather superficial in comparison to his newly discovered destiny.
  • Overall poor health and not very physically strong.
  • Not religious, but he does hold strong spiritual beliefs about destiny and higher powers.
  • He's bisexual!


Stella Berger [ Younger brother ]

Four years younger than René, Stella had to watch his older brother struggle his whole life and always deeply sympathized with him, wishing there was anything he could do to help.
He was always the more timid of the two and received a bit more favor from their parents, in part because he was the faster learner by far and in part because his parents already had their expectations failed before and were just relieved to see that their youngest seemed to have a more promising future ahead of him.
Although the two brothers have a slightly strained relationship because of the hostile home environment they grew up in, they always sincerely loved and cared about each other.

Nouria Berger [ Mother ]

A brilliant medical scientist and instructor. Unfortunately not so much of a great parent.
She always wanted René to follow in her footsteps, but when he couldn't keep up with her standards, she thought she should motivate him by expressing her disappointment, not realizing that it'd only make him feel awful about himself. Despite sincerely only wanting the best for her children, she found herself doing much more harm than good.
As this vicious cycle went on, René tried to distance himself as much as possible from her, since he could feel the crushing disappointment in every look she took at him. But even so, he can't bring himself to hate her.

Lucian Berger [ Father ]