
1 year, 6 months ago


Basic Info
Angel Ferguson
August 12
London, England
Alter Role
CORE;Caretaker/Em. Support
In Relationships
Bits & Bobs
  • Angie/Annie (Deacon Only)
  • Rose (Hei Only)
  • Sweetness (November Only)
  • Songbird (Rachel Only)
  • Little Mouse (Klaus Only)
  • Angel Cakes (Lucifer Only)
  • Buttercup (Mahtin Only)
  • Animals (☆Rabbits/Mice/Doves☆)
  • Butterscotch
  • Cooking/Homemaking
  • Singing/Writing/Drawing/Music
  • Child/Animal Endangerment
  • Animal Product Smells
  • Discussing Abuse(Massive CW)
  • Whistling
  • Speaks Spanish, French, English, & German fluently. Learned Spanish and French in school; taught herself more outside of it, German was learned thanks to Deacon.
  • Secretly an absolute metalhead. Disturbed is her favourite, with their Sound of Silence cover being one of, if not her favourite, song.
  • Does not enjoy partaking in sexual experiences if the other person doesn’t care about it. literally will not express interest or feel anything nice if the other party/parties aren’t going to either stick around or at least somehow be impacted. if it’s meaningless, she’s not going to physically be capable of enjoying it; she requires an emotional connection in order for it to feel good on her end.
  • Doesn’t drink much soda. just doesn’t care for it much. cream soda is a rare exception, as is root beer and orange soda.
Naïve . Timid . Kind . Loyal

Angel is very quiet upon meeting her, often avoiding eye contact or otherwise looking ready to run or collapse in on herself. She trusts very easily, despite her being anxious around other people and rather fearful. Her desire/need to help and be helpful often trumps her safety, in her mind. She always strives to do what’s in the best interest of others, even if it brings harm or otherwise discomfort to herself.

When in danger, she’s unlikely to ask for any help as she feels she deserves to deal with it alone, at least until she has a bit of confidence in her (which can take quite some time). Above all else, she puts those she cares for on a pedestal and, in spite of the other traits, would be willing to protect at all costs. She’d lay down her own life if it meant preserving the life of Skylar, Ramiel, any of her friends, and any partners of hers; she’d sooner be dead than risk hurting someone she loves.




Skylar | Son

Lost his biological parents early in life; found by Angel shortly after. Good luck separating these two for long. Sweet, a touch hyperactive, very smart, quick learner.

Ramiel | Sibling

Genderfluid sibling seven years Angel’s senior. Separated as soon as Angel was born due to a mix-up in the foster care system. Loyal, a touch tsundere-y, and very passionate. French accent, very similar voice to his sister, just a touch deeper. Deeply loves and cares for people; vegetarian.

Deacon | Basically Sibling

6’5”, beefy, and more sensitive than he lets on. Met Angel shortly after she met Molly and Fiona, two people who saved her and her son from the streets. Has a sister seven years his junior; lost his mother just an hour after his sister was born. Cares for Angel just as he would his sister or niece, and very protective of her. Memelord and a softie, he’d do pretty much anything to keep her happy. Previously a paramour but mutually a not-good-not-bad idea.

Hei | Husband ("Polaris")

The Black Reaper. Once feared and rumoured the worst of the worst, only beat by an acquaintance called Havoc, he met Angel one night when she was attacked in the streets. Hard to read and harder to please, Angel wormed her way in faster than anyone had before. Fast as a whip and just as smart.

November | Husband ("Gliese")

Smoker who hates smoking. Ex-contractor of however many years, not-so-secretly soft for the woman who gave him a shot in the midst of so many other loves comfortably seated in her web. Just as witty as Hei, easier to read, and even easier to tease, a softie to the core that she adores. Not even death would keep him away long.

Rachel | Wife ("Stormy")

A spitfire of a glass cannon, shitposter extraordinaire. Previously heavily closeted due to her source’s interpretation and limitations, pierced by Angel’s arrow and obviously infatuated. A caring woman but insistent on “earning” affection when Angel was always willing to give it, free of charge. A storm in her own right, and one Angel would happily run in the rain for.

William | Husband

Nefarious inventor, father of two deceased and one eventually estranged. Serial killer with a heart of stone, warmed by the light of one brunette. Devoted father and husband, few people fall under his consideration of those he feels a need to care for, and Angel is one. A man of great privilege, but not one to squander it. Highly protective and loving. Adores Angel and would keep her in his life at any cost.

Sal | Husband

A sweetheart all his life. Tragedy followed him since birth, the tragedy only escalating further after an incident as a child that left him without a face to call his own, only a prosthetic and a title: Sally Face. Through trials and tribulations, a lengthy crush, and horrors with her ex, a cult, and the law itself, he came to know Angel as his one and only. Blissfully in love and happy so long as she is, he’s a devoted parent and unafraid to dress and act however he feels comfortable. Heart of gold and a mind like a steel trap.

Mahtin | Spouse ("Orchid")

Once thought to be too similar to her to really consider a partner, the agender ginger quickly worked her way into Angel’s heart. Sweet, sincere, and ready to protect, the similarities between the two quickly grew endearing, heart-melting. Great for cuddles, generally chatting, singing; you name it, faer time is precious, and Angel will always remember and cherish every time she feels their heart race. His smile and laugh give her light and life, and she will always love her squeaking marshmallow.

Springtrap | Husband

Nefarious inventor from another universe. Trapped in his own creation, he embraced his nature as a devoted father and accepted his fate in kind. Protective, highly loving, and insecure, he adores Angel with all his heart and would do anything for her after she saved him from a fate worse than death. Sadistic deep down but soft and sweet for Angel, Skylar, and the children he had wronged all those years ago. Witty but a little socially inept, endearingly goofy with a squeaky nose. Doing his best to make up for his past transgressions.

Glitchtrap | Husband

Nefarious inventor from the same universe as Spring but a different time. Previously outwardly manipulative for his own gain, living in Angel’s head for some time gave him insight on the life he’d destroy if he continued. Begrudgingly soft for the sweet woman, he’s just as socially awkward as Springtrap, but much more open about his more sadistic tendencies. Deeply in love with Angel and his fiancée, Vanny, he’s doing what he can to make it up to them. Soft and perfect for cuddles.

Shidou | Boyfriend

The kindhearted surgeon prisoner of Milgram, finally free.

Klaus | Fiance

1,024 years old and full of rage, anxiety, and self-hatred. Viewed as a narcissist and violent without reason, he was surprised to find Angel over the course of several lives, even more so that he’d found love again after so many failed tries. Quick to anger and twice as violent, but easily tempered by a few gentle words of affirmation and a simple look. Secretly caring for others, even more so for children, the misunderstood Mikaelson couldn’t be more grateful. Protective to a scary point, he’s learning to better himself for himself. Beloved father, brother, and friend. Bastard hybrid with a soft spot.

Spike | Fiance

140+ year old vampire. Previously William, he made a name for himself as the previously shy, awkward, nerdy Englishman turned vicious killer of Slayers, claiming two in his time. A chip in the back of his brain rendered him incapable of biting without severe pain, and right when he felt lower than low…he met Angel. Quickly taken initially by her looks, he was just as fast to find love in the Slayer. Protective and not-so-secretly soft. Perverted as he is, he’s just as sweet and loving behind closed doors, even toward a child he’d previously felt neutral, even apathetic, toward. A fan-favourite for good reason.

Lucifer | Boyfriend

The literal devil himself, brought up to Earth by curiosity only to find love in an unexpected place and in an unexpected person. Previously infatuated by Detective Chloe Decker, the misunderstood and mistreated Devil accepted his place under Angel’s wing, just as she accepted hers under his. Libido out of this universe and just as romantically affectionate, though not officially wed, the two might as well be. Rare are the times when he’s away from her. Even Hell couldn’t keep him away.

V | Boyfriend

Poet and smooth-talker. Capturer of many, the only heart he’s found compatible has been hers. Found in an alley, he and his familiars were quickly taken by her. Lover of poetry, black, leather, and playful teasing, he wishes to make up for his past mistakes as Vergil, finding Angel’s guidance as a good stepping stone even if he can just as easily do it himself. Sweet, rarely ill-tempered, and quite laid-back, he adores his lover and their child, content with sharing her with others; after all, he’d be selfish to keep her in a cage.

Julian | Boyfriend

Ilyushka Devorak, also known as the killer of the “beloved” Count Lucio. If Lucifer’s libido was ridiculous, he’s nearly tied with November. Masochistic and shameless about it; actively self-destructive as a result of a need to make up for his past failings as an apprentice’s master. Deeply loving, he was enraptured by Angel’s kind heart and insistence on bettering himself for his own sake, saving him and his from a life of misery. Family-oriented and sweet. Tall, lanky man with a heart of gold with a flair for the dramatic. Willing to give his life for his loved ones.

Ivy | Girlfriend

Initially one of Angel's few lady friends, Ivy couldn't help but fall for the squeaky little woman over time. once freed of certain constraints, the living vamp was quick to confess her feelings when she learned they had apparently been reciprocated for quite some time.

Nadia | Girlfriend

Countess of Vesuvia, one of the first women Angel ever had eyes for - little did she know Nadia had been gazing right back. Now that she has the squeaky brunette by her side, this ruler isn't letting go.

Asra | Joyfriend

Magician, wanderer, trying to make up for past regrets. They're ecstatic to see Angel safe & alive, as well as reunited with their mutually beloved Julian. Protective, slow to anger but quick to defend - hurt Angel & they will find your punishment in their deck.

G'raha Tia | Boyfriend

Softe cat man. Get more info from Angel.

Matcha | Joyfriend

A Lonely sub-fracture of Mahtin. Tried to deny its feelings for Angel for quite a while before giving in when their partner Po couldn't keep his mouth shut anymore. A sweet, if grumpy bog cryptid.

Po | Boyfriend

A Lonely sub-fracture of November. Spent entirely too long convinced that since Angel had November, she wouldn't think to spare him a glance, romantically speaking. He should have known better than to underestimate her soft spot for an underdog.

Constantine | Boyfriend

Magician, "dabbler" in the dark arts, living guilty conscience with a libido to match Lucifer's - good thing, since the pair have been thick as thieves since John's arrival. Convinced Angel would know better than to get mixed up with his sort, she went for double the trouble instead with no regrets or second thoughts.

John C. | Boyfriend

Doppleganger in SelfLove; arrived & captured the attention of both Angel & Lucifer (along with November, though he wouldn't admit it) with surprising quickness. Self-esteem about as high as his double, & urge for redemption to match.

Misaki | Girlfriend

Frost-touched chief of polices turned attentive surrogate mom to some of the more rambunctious Littles - target practice was an interesting bonding activity, but go off. Didn't expect her (not as well-hidden as she thought) feelings to be reciprocated. They never learn.

Rune | Joyfriend

Archival's muse quite literally come to life, took an immediate liking to Angel, falling easily into her orbit. Generally found floating around, vibing.

Luke | Ex-Boyfriend

Ex-lover of a few months. Short-tempered and crass, highly paranoid and violent. Once thought of by Angel to be her one and only, he quickly turned cruel and abusive, taking advantage of Angel’s kindness. Narcissistic, possessive, and determined, he stops short of nothing to keep her in his sights, in his life. Closeted aromantic and highly bigoted. Secretly terrified to be alone, but reluctant to admit it. Doesn’t care for most people and often manipulates for his own profit. Masks his own insecurities and tendencies well around others; Angel firmly believes that if he has the capacity to act like a decent person, then he has it in him to be one.