Sayu (Relationships)




34152290_B8r.pngIchigo Gomimoto
[ CUTE Girlfriend!  ]
Upon first joining the friend group Ichigo is by far the person Sayu gets along with the best and fastest. Though her name was not Ichigo yet, she still was going by the name 01. Their original designated model number, in their robot form. Sayu was immediately smitten with the idea of being a bestie with a robot, but quickly saw through that and it did not take long for her to just treat Ichigo as if she was an equal and her bestie. Once 01 finally reached the point that they wanted to be more, and wanted to be human Sayu was ecstatic. She was the most understanding of 01's situation, and became a pivotal helping hand in the hardest part of 01's life. Sayu was the one who gave her the name 'Ichigo' to begin with, as it was a gender-neutral name that she could go by because she still was not sure what 'gender' they felt comfortable in. And Sayu was always there to help guide them through the process of finding that, but never rushing them to make a final judgement. And once Ichigo finally settled on feeling most comfortable as a woman, Sayu was so accepting and immediately did everything she could to help her find a new look for her future human body! Sayu helped design her new looks and clothing style and everything! Through it all, Sayu always was understanding and Ichigo never forgot it. One fateful sleepover, Ichigo finally burst into tears thanking Sayu for everything she's done for her. The two became a couple, and they are girlfriends ever since! They love each other SO much! They'll love each other forever! And they want the WORLD to know it! Sayu and Ichigo are always loudly proclaiming their undying love for one another and are the cutest sight in town! Intent on spreading their gay rainbow everywhere to make the world a brighter and happier place!~
[ S-s-s-Senpaaaai! ]
Sayu and Natsumi's relationship is extremely, complicated. Though at first he welcomes her into the friend group with open arms and the two get along well, it isn't long before she becomes scarily obsessed with him. Exposing her yandere side that only grows more and more violent the more she falls for him. It causes a massive schism and dilemma for the friend group. Thankfully, after a long battle through it Sayu finds the help she needs and overcomes the curse afflicting her, letting her return to the friend that he once knew!

Natsumi has trouble keeping up with Sayu's hyperactivity, but frankly, he doesn't mind one bit. He loves to go for the ride! He thinks she's so much fun and lets her come over to his house frequently, the two are both naturally creative types and have a habit of getting together and just working on their own things in the same room together enjoying each other's company. Sayu has a habit of giving him advice or trying to collab, though their styles are complete opposites so it doesn't always work out. She especially doesn't understand his fixation with making gorey, dark and macabre aesthetics for his games and projects and constantly tries to get him to throw some color in em!~ Natsumi is fine with crossdressing, in fact, he enjoys it so she is very happy to have a boy who she can have try on her outfits! Despite the weirdness they went through in the past, once Sayu takes control of her Joro form Natsumi willingly lets her use him as a 'stress relief' toy and enjoys it. . . Yeah, they're weird. But weird friends are best friends!!

[ BAD B*TCH- Friend! ]
Rai absolutely adores Sayu and gets very defensive of her if people bully her at school! It's extremely unexpected, due to Sayu's overly flamboyant and overly-cutesy personality but the two bond very quickly over a mutual disgust and hatred of being trapped in 'such a boring old town'. The two are city slickers and know what they're missing in Yokkaido, and reminisce on such. They also share a mutual adoration of fashion design and love to go clothes shopping together. Sayu's rarely ever mean, and the rare times that she IS is in private with Rai- pfft! So no one ever sees it! Maybe it's the Joro within her talking, but when she is alone with Rai her inner gossip comes out! No one better look at their chat history!! Sayu also very rarely curses, but she totally unleashes on the swear words if she's with Rai! Some people worry Rai is a bad influence on Sayu, but the truth is the opposite, if anything Sayu makes Rai softer. Hell, Sayu's one of the only people Rai will actually hug in public places!? Rai is extremely hands-on with helping Sayu create the Robot Café and it honestly never would have happened without her mom's help.

[ Baby! Squishy! FRIEND!  ]
Hanako is immediately super welcoming to Sayu and loves her quickly! Their personalities, as well as interests do not align much yet they somehow become extremely close extremely fast. Hanako's old-fashioned while Sayu is always into whatever's hip and new, and often trying to be the one setting the newest trend! Yet Hanako is so open to new things that she absolutely adores how much Sayu introduces to her all the time! Hanako's taste in music grows exponentially thanks to Sayu especially, and the two go to concerts a lot. Hanako feels very at home in the Robot Cafe and spends a lot of time there often volunteering to be a waitress because she just loves to help out. Hanako was the first person that Ichigo ever told she had a crush on Sayu, and Hanako shipped it immediately! When she finally hears the girls got together Hanako practically becomes their personal cheerleader and cannot get over how sweet they are! When Hanako first met Sayu, Sayu immediately fell in love with her tail and glomped it, surprisingly Hanako thought it was funny and to this day she often lets Sayu ride her when they're together.

[ Hunting Partner ]
When she comes to town Sayu immediately cannot get over how CUTE Tsuchino is!!! She absolutely freaks out and the two become friends  super duper fast! Sayu quickly becomes Tsuchino's closest friend in  Yokkaido and the duo are seldom seen apart. When Sayu learns about the  Tsuchinokos lying hidden within the town limits she makes it a new life  goal to hunt them down together!
Sayu  already has a massive obsession with bug catching so if anyone is  equipped for the task of tracking down mythical elusive snakes it's her!  She even at one point designs her own pink sentai outfit to be matchies  with Tsuchino... C-CUTE!!

[ Gal Pal! ]
Sayu becomes fast friends with the female Orochi head! She frequently invites them to come have  sleepovers with her and the girls, and they're beyond grateful... After countless years of being called weird and misgendered by the other heads  they're so happy someone finally respects them as identifying as a woman. 

Being a disembodied head with no arms, there's only so much they can do so Sayu really helps them get in touch with their feminine side more by doing her make-up in many new ways and even giving her cute new hairstyles! Makeover parties and all-girls sleepovers are a common occurrence! Though the size difference may make it difficult, it's okay, they only need to fit one head in the window because-

[ Spiritual Therapist ]
When Sayu is hospitalized Hitoni is on the case! Human doctors cannot cure her ailment, and Hitoni quickly diagnoses Sayu's true underlying condition. She tries to exorcise the demonic possession on her by Yasu, but Sayu absolutely will NOT let her take her friend away from her. Hitoni begrudgingly complies, and does the next best thing; therapy.
Sayu has regular therapy sessions with Hitoni ever since, and it's helped her come to terms with Yasu and stand as equals together. Eventually even Yasu herself broke down enough to come to love Sayu just as much as Sayu loves her, and now they are inseparable! Hitoni however has a very difficult time believing Yasu is genuine, because she has access to her 'medical history'. . . Aka, a registered document detailing every single sin and bad act Yasu committed in her past life, which is a LOT!
Despite being a medical professional, Hitoni is weak to Sayu's charms and now considers her a friend and not just a client. She visits her very often even outside of their scheduled appointments and is a regular at the Robot Café.

5419546_3WM.png?1510699660Yasu Jorōro
[ Sutando! ]
 Ever since she was little and could remember, Sayu has 'talked to herself'. At least that's how others see it, to her it's always been talking to the voice inside her head. Despite people calling her such, Sayu never once felt she was crazy and just felt sad that other people weren't lucky enough to have someone in their head so they are never alone. Unbeknownst to her though, the 'voice' in her head was actually the cause of the darker side of her that she was unaware of. A lustful, sexually aggressive demon. Without knowing about the true nature of her soul, Sayu was completely at the whims of Yasu in those moments of extreme weakness causing her to lash out against her own character. Only through the help of Hitoni, as well as 'one really good cry' the night Natsumi 'broke up' with her was she able to truly begin to confront the reality of her relationship with Yasu. It took a while, but the two now adore each other and have a perfect symbiosis! Yasu taught Sayu all the tricks to being a Jorogumo, and how to use her abilities to the fullest potential! Sayu loves Yasu, and though it took a while, Yasu feels the same toward her. So much so that Yasu considers Sayu her daughter and is extremely protective of her!! She will devour anyone who tries to hurt her baby girl! Though she still tries to act like she's above such sentimental things- pfft!~

[ WAAAH!~ FIRST Friend! ]
The first person in Yokkaido to actually be Sayu's friend, for that she's eternally grateful to Puraya! Despite Puraya being a person of few words, it doesn't bother Sayu, if anything it makes them get along perfectly. He doesn't ever try to talk over her, and in fact loves to hear everything she has to say. Sayu thinks his mechanical arm is 'hot' and doesn't find him gross at all because of it, she has a habit of putting accessories and little stickers on it to make it pretty and he is always willing to let her play dress-up with his prosthesis.

In YLU!2!! Puraya has the option to choose Sayu as a love interest and date her. Sayu is incredibly easy to start dating, she's so friendly and outgoing that she basically will never decline a date, even if she has a date with someone else she'll just make it a group one, and is always accommodating! The arcade is one of her favorite date spots! She texts you frequently. The true problems with dating Sayu arise once her obsession with Natsumi begins, it is something out of her control and can cause a rift in your relationship. It is a difficult problem to overcome. Essentially a theme of overcoming base jealous instinct and trying to understand the perspective and psychology behind a partner's difficult and complex emotions. A bad end Sayu outcome is extremely vile. Without the proper therapy and treatment she needs to diagnose her underlying medical problem, her Jorogumo side overcomes her human side. The Sayu you fell in love with no longer exists, and is replaced by a spider-demon that keeps you alive as a sexual toy and victim to drain the life from forever.

Layout by @Nostalgeist