


1 year, 6 months ago


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Name: Quailpaw

Future Names: Quailspice or Quailbrush or Quailberry

Age: 6 Moons

Gender/Pronouns: Cis Female(she/her)

Clan: Torrentclan

Rank: Apprentice

Orientation: Bisexual

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Family Info

 Parents: N/A

 Siblings: N/A

 Mate: N/A(closed)

 Kits: N/A(closed)

 Other: N/A

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 RP Information

So far in Quailpaw’s life, not much has occurred! She was born to Gentlechirp and Flameleap, some lesser-known warriors of Birdclan. Gentlechirp herself is a monarch while Flameleap is a warrior, so the shecat always had someone around to keep an eye on her and check in on her. Luckily enough, the child grew a very secure bond with her family, particularly her mother, and she loves her parents dearly. There are no relatives for the young shecat, but she didn’t mind since her parents were always there for her. As a result, the kit was very susceptible to whatever her parents desired. Her father was known for gifting the kit berries as treasures from his patrols, and Gentlechirp would play berryball as a result with the kit(mossball but with berries instead… not much innovation). Since berries can be quite delicate, the kit always found herself coated in berry juice after the end of the game, leaving it up to Gentlechirp to tidy her up. One day though, Quailkit had a splendid idea. With some of the juice that caked the floor, she smeared the paste onto the walls, sparking her mind to the world of art. Her mother was confused, yet supported her kit’s art. Her father didn’t question a thing, so he simply just kept gifting more and more fruits and berries to paint with. It was splendid for the kit to have a new berry batch every day, and as a result, the lowest parts of the walls started to get stained with multiple colors of reds, purples, and blues. With her growth, these stained bits grew and grew until she ran out of reachable canvas. Once she was allowed outside, she quickly began to beautify the dens. With rain, the berry juice would practically wash off fully, however cats have provided water-soaked moss patches to wash away the art if necessary. Not many have tried to prohibit her art yet, but this is certainly up to change depending on who spots her.

Nonetheless, she’s just been named an apprentice, so she’s incredibly excited to get to explore the outside world beyond the camp. She’s just been itching to escape, especially considering she’d been quite diligent in waiting(unlike some of her peers). She is also hoping for the best with her mentor, praying to Starclan that they get along just fine.

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 Appearance: Quailpaw is a lilac dilute tortoiseshell with a long, feather-like tail and amber-yellow heterochromic eyes.

 Personality: Quailpaw is an aggressive yet loyal apprentice in Birdclan. She’s very feisty in nature and doesn’t mind confronting others, especially if it’s for her friends. She doesn’t view herself as a protector or anything, but she takes it upon herself to defend their honor if need be. This doesn’t mean the shecat is opposed to sarcasm though, in fact, she’s quite the snarky shecat. The shecat is known for her artistry, as she’ll frequently plaster the camp’s walls with berry juice and poultice, especially the apprentice den’s walls. She can’t help but let out her creative visions and hopes to improve in her skill, as she knows many clan cats are quite excellent at being crafty. She mainly draws her friends, since she wants them to enjoy the skills she’s using. Her parents adore her drawings and they encourage the young cat to do whatever she desires. With no restrictions, she’s decided that her next subject would be something found within their territory, or perhaps something beyond it… whatever caught her eye. She hasn’t thought about the rising tensions in the other clans at all, in fact, she hasn’t really grasped the idea that the territory and other clans can be dangerous, but will she realize that soon? Likely no. She’s very independent in general, and she is especially splendid at re-assuring herself when need be. At the very least, she believes she’s good at regulating herself and her emotions, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The young apprentice is still trying to figure out the world and herself, so she's started to express interest in being social with the other kits and apprentices. As of right now, she plans to make her apprenticeship as fun as possible, which she’s sure is possible with the right cats beside her.

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