
6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


afab Female

Physical Description

Typical scene kid. She has orange hair with the ends dyed black. All of her clothes are from Hot Topic.


She thinks she's cooler than everyone because she's a hipster. She will repeatedly talk about how she is better than "other girls".


Jubilee Middle School, Minnesota, USA


Classmate and member of August's band Good Luck Bad Man.


Fran's best friend, only knows the other members of GLBM via her. She's kind of a third party, and the only one not in band class. She started dating Jay shortly after becoming 15.
She plays drums, and also the self entitled rapper. While she gave herself that position, GLBM has yet to include any songs with rapping in their repetiore. Mickey patiently waits for her time to shine... which no one else but Fran and Jay want.

Ongoing Story

Later leaves the band and breaks up with Jay, making him the band's main drummer. She ceases talking to everyone in the band except Fran. In high school she's rumored to be doing drugs, but no one from GLBM has been able to confirm it.