


1 year, 5 months ago


Name: April Woods

Age: 23

Job: Assistant manager and accountant for Woods Fall Alcohol Distribution, weekend farmer's market stall attendant

Personality: April has a soft personality with just a hint of spice around the edges. Growing up in a very religious household, she was told to be seen and not heard, and unfortunately some of that remains in tact in her personality. It is always a bit of a confliction from wanting to be a snarkly sass but reeling back at the last minute when the time comes to follow through. She tries hard to step up and be extroverted but a lot of old habits wanting her to remain a reclusive introvert and stay behind the lines. As such she can flip flop when in pleasant, or unpleasant company or conversation.

Backstory: April grew up in a devout religious household of all boys and a mousey mother that was obsessed with higher power. Father wanted his girls to be seen and not heard, and perform their gender roles to their highest fulfillment so they could seem at least from an obscure mind and outside, to be the perfect god-fearing and white picket fence nuclear family. Sadly it was all to familiar to time and time again heard, things were a lot worse in the household than t seemed.

Extra: -She got her job from her high school teammate Mora and dragged as far from her home as possible uneasily.

-She's insanely good with numbers, scarily good