Bartholomew Bosch



1 year, 5 months ago


Name: Bartholomew Bosch

Age: 45 (Physically), 84 (Actual Age)

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Sirin-Crow Demon

Height: 13 ft.

Home: Dis, Hell

Family: Bosch Sr. (Father), Crowe Bosch (Child), KittyChat (Adoptive Child)

Romantic Interest: Clyde

Friends: Aspic (Acquaintance), Griffin (Acquaintance), Ludwig (Acquaintance)

Rivals/Enemies: Gret Bruigel (Ex-Wife), Venice (Rival)


Bartholomew Bosch is the menacing, strict guardian and librarian of a prestigious school located in Dis. He's not easily amused and can be irritable if bothered. While his exterior seems abrasive, he does have a heart. While he has high expectations for his children, it mostly comes from a place of fear that they would live horrible lives down the line. Time and time again, he tries his best to provide for his children. He's shown to have a bit of a vulnerable, if not pathetic, side to him that is only displayed towards his ex-wife, Gret, and his current partner, Clyde; Besides them, he never breaks his facade in front of the library's visitors or school faculty and staff.


Bartholomew descended from a long line of librarians, carrying a legacy of maintaining archive of texts. From a young age, he developed a great sense of responsibility.

By the time he reached college, he met countless of people who would influence the course of his life; Most notable among them are Clyde, who he had a brief relationship with during this period, and Gret, his ex-wife in the future. Towards the end of his college years, he began dating Gret Bruigel and upon graduation, the pair immediately married.

After college, he took over his father's job, a role he still maintains until this day. Throughout the years his relationship with his wife became rocky. At some point around 2005, the pair had their first and only child and within the year after their child hatched, they separated.

Few years afterwards, Bartholomew rekindled his relationship with an old partner of his Clyde, which resulted in their offpsrings becoming friends with one another. It was around this time where he was introduced to a young demon named KittyChat who he adopted within the first few months of her attending the school he worked at. From there he continued on with his work, raising his two children who he trains to follow in his footsteps.

 In the present, he's still works in the same library he's maintained for 63 years. He currently expects his children to fulfil the legacy carried from his father but this seems unlikely for his children ambitions are different from his expectations.


  • Bartholomew's tail like that of a pendulum, and like any regular pendulum, it can cut through flesh if swung hard enough. His child, Crowe, inherits this trait.
  • Bartholomew, like any sirin, is surprisingly good at singing; emitting a deep, baritone sound from the top of his lungs. He, however, rarely sings to ensure that his intimidating facade will not be disrupted.
  • Bartholomew is multi-lingual; with a sharp grasp in languages dead or alive.
  • His last name, Bosch, is derived from the Dutch painter, Hieronymus Bosch.
  • While I originally imagined his voice to be deep with a Russian accent, I decided that his voice claim should be that of President Stone from Astro Boy (2009), mostly because of their similar appearance and the fact that Donald Sutherland's performance fits him in particular.
  • Bartholomew is based on the Sirin of Russian folklore.
  • His appearance,in specific, was heavily inspired by Viktor Vasnetov's painting, "Sirin and Alkonost: The Birds of Joy and Sorrow".